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Files posted by jcm9800

  1. Hello Guys this is my Edited Rocketlauncher Module for Version Dolphin 2407
    Have Fun
    48 0
  2. Hello Guys this is a complete Famicom Disk System Cartridge Pack most of them from the Pack is from Dubbloseven i have only added the missing ones and the cartridges the have no sticker on it. i hope you enjoy it and have fun
  3. Hello Guys 
    I have uploaded my complete Famicom Disk System Box Set here.
    i started with this Project as i see the damned have updated the Videos and the are complete now.
    first i only search for the missing ones that we not have in the other Famicom Box set from dubbloseven here.
    but then i see that most of the have really poor quality and i began to redone most of the Boxes we have to.
    i hope you enjoy it and have fun
  4. hello guys this is a complette cart set for sega genesis.
    i hope you like it
    Warning; some of the european games are a little bit other named as its in damned xml
    i have this because i have some roms with german text
    you must rename them
    marble madness japan its missing in the zip thats why its uploaded separetly
  5. Hello Guys This is a 2D Nintendo Famicom Boxes set matching the latest offical Xml with 383 games
    Warning dont await a perfekt set this is only the best artwork that i have found for this games some
    are really rare and it was hard to find something
  6. Hello Guys This is a 2D Nintendo Famicom Cart set matching the latest offical Xml with 383 games
    Warning dont await a perfekt set this is only the best artwork that i have found for this games some
    are really rare and it was hard to find something
  7. Hy Guys here i have a complete Card Artwork Pack for the last Updated Master System Xml
    in my Theme it is in Artwork Folder 4
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