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Everything posted by JaronSenna

  1. Hi NJay, please keep us posted on how you are able to hookup your 12V plasma dmd to your PC PSU and the pindmd. I have 2 out of the three parts you mentioned, but have not yet dropped the money on a dmd because they are so ridiculously expensive to get (transported)...
  2. I can find them by searching the site for "LEE-" (the prefix for those products if I am not mistaken): http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/Search.aspx?dsNav=Ntk:PartNumberSearch%7cLEE%2f-%7c1%7c,Ny:True,Nea:True
  3. Kudos, knap werk!
  4. And I guess its not so easy to get those hooked up correctly then... my bad
  5. Njay, you might want to give flipperwinkel.nl a try, I found this on their site: "Universeel Vishay 128 x 32 dotmatrix display. Geschikt voor alle dotmatrix kasten van Bally, Williams, Data East, Capcom, Gottlieb, Sega en Stern." Eur 149,95 ex shipping, but you might want to pick it up at their store yourself.
  6. If not, you (and other dutch vpinheads) may get one from here: http://flipperwinkel.nl/winkel/index1.html (then click Electronica, then Displays) Not sure if it is a good price or not though. You can pick it up from their location and not risc damage while shipping...
  7. Really, basically the same that cab-builders here have been doing for some time? I did see it is an LCD panel, but since I read that dmd's are/can be plasma-based display technique, I figured it would be like "real" dmd technology... ok, pardon the n00b interference :-)
  8. FWIW: just stumbled upon this site: http://colordmd.com/ seems like they are about start production on multicolor dmd's
  9. haha, that would require 8 of those, maxxsinner. At $80 a piece get you a DMD 30.4" by 7.6" for around $640. Would go well with a 65+" playfield...
  10. Oh, I *will* keep following this thread, what a great community. Subscriptions are firing on all cylinders :-) I found the TLC's to be quite expensive, especially compared to the 595's, which can do software PWM (http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1288285333/15) but that is probably not a good idea for this pinball purpose. Anyway, the offer stands: if you need help, lemme know. Even just soldering boards to prevent you from inhaling too many fumes :-)
  11. This is awesome man! Huge kudo's to Pixel and Shifter! I have been playing with Arduino's a bit, so I love seeing arduino coming to pinball :-) I wonder if you have done anything with the TLC's yet? For another project I developed a PCB with 1 TLC and 16 led's to PWM those. Boards can be daisy chained to increase number of leds (pwm outputs). I am by no means an expert in this area, but do have some experience. Looks like you know what you are doing, but if I could help you out with something, please let me know. (here's some of the documentation I put up at the time).
  12. Thanks for this thread! Good info! As a n00b to pin cabinets, I am doing "research" to figure out if/how to build my own. Maybe its a good idea to add some info about (force) feedback equipment? I read about shakers, knockers, contacters, solenoids, wiper motors, cree's, etc. Some components I understand how/why they are used, but most of them hold many a secret still :-)
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