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Everything posted by Lazzeri

  1. 475 downloads

    - All 20 supported Virtual Boy Carts - Every pic was redownloaded from a hi-res source, cropped, trimmed and resized to 500 px wide Enjoy!
  2. Version 20150509


    Astrocade is a very early, 2nd generation videogame system from the late 70s. It is pretty unknown and was needing some love. ;-) Do you know Astrocade is a very important system on videogames history? Astrocade was the first videogame system ever owned by John Carmack and home of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game! (Nah. It´s all lies. But it is a neat system for its time, you should give it a try!) Anyway. Here´s standarized cart pics for the system. They fit like a glove with the theme i´ve just sent. I had to make mockups for about 3 carts that I just couldn´t find anywere. If you find them please let me know! Enjoy!
  3. Version FINAL


    Astrocade is a very early, 2nd generation videogame system from the late 70s. It is pretty unknown and was needing some love. ;-) Do you know Astrocade is a very important system on videogames history? Astrocade was the first videogame system ever owned by John Carmack and home of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game! (Nah. It´s all lies. But it is a neat system for its time, you should give it a try!) Anyway. Here´s a Default System Theme I´ve made. I´m also uploading the cart pics. I will *NOT* use game boxes on this. There is a lot of homebrew games with no boxes at all, and even cart pics are really hard to find. Only about 20+ games were commercially released with boxes, so it would make little sense. Enjoy!
  4. Version FINAL


    So I´ve made a theme using boxart and carts I´ve uploaded earlier, heavily based on the existing theme. I´ve fixed wrong video sizes (now they fit on the tiny display) and all boxes and carts are shown. IMPORTANT: If you are using the media I´ve uploaded earlier PLEASE resize all BOXES to 400 px wide and all CARTS to 200 px wide. The ones I sent are just too big for this. This is my first Theme for public release. Please let me know if something´s wrong. Oh, and be nice. :-D
  5. Version 20150827


    All 14 carts for the supported Hyperspin 1.0 cart set. All standarized to a nice 350 px wide.
  6. 232 downloads

    All 14 boxes for the supported Hyperspin 1.0 cart set. All standarized to a nice 500 px wide.
  7. Version FINAL


    Now that was painful. :-D I´ve downloaded a total of four Atari Boxes pack, both 2D and 3D, from you guys but I´ve faced some problems with it so I decided to update it and make it OCD-ready. ;-) Here´s what I did: - A LOT of boxes had no images at all. Now each one of the 648 games at the HyperList 1.0 have an image, even if a "Homebrew" or "Prototype" mock-up - The resolutions were all over the place, from 200 px to 800 px wide. All lo-res pics were redownloaded. Now every image is exactly 600 px wide OR 850 px tall (wichever reached first); - A lot of games had low quality scans. Those were replaced; - A lot of late, poorly distributed Atari games were sold with NO boxes at all (E.G. Eli´s Ladder). For those i´ve used a manual scan instead. - A few games were packed-in with special controllers or acessories. For those I´ve added the entire pack box (E.G. Survival Run, Spitfire Attack) - Most of homebrews were released without boxes. For those, manual was used WHEN POSSIBLE. Some of them didn´t even had a manual available. - There were a lot of obscure European games with no boxes at all. For those I´ve made individual mock-ups using cart scans + other boxed as model (E.G. Topy). Ain´t great but it works. I´ve changed almost 400 of the 648 box scans. It seems pretty standarized right now. Bear in mind that there is A LOT of different box formats but hey! Not my fault! :-D
  8. Version FINAL


    I´ve downloaded the original Atari Carts pack from you guys but I´ve faced some problems with it so I decided to update it and make it OCD-ready. ;-) Here´s what I did: - A few carts had no images at all. Now each one of the 648 games at the HyperList 1.0 have an image, even if a "ROM Only no cart release" (E.G.: I Project); - There where some unused images. They are gone now; - The resolutions were all over the place, from 150 px to 400 px wide. All lo-res pics were redownloaded. Now every image is exactly 400 px wide; - Some games had low quality scans. Those were replaced; - Some games had wrong images (E.G.: Air Raid). All fixed now; - Some Atari games released on both Text and Pic labels had the (boring) Text label scanned (E.G.: SLot Racer). Those were replaced when possible; - When possible, I´ve tracked down original scans of the real card or PCB of the Protos. (E.G.: LotR: Rivendell, Last Starfighter); - I´ve added transparency on every oddly-shaped cart (E.G.: Air Raid, Air Raiders) so it would look good when displayed; I´ve replaced almost 200 of the 648 items in the pack. It seems pretty standarized right now.
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