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28 files

  1. A lot of the front covers that these use are not mine they were on my hard drives that I downloaded ages ago, don't know who they belong to, I created the 3D Boxes.
    If there are any mistakes or missing covers let me know at [email protected] and I will try to fix them, thanks.
  2. A lot of the front covers that these use are not mine they were on my hard drives that I downloaded ages ago, don't know who they belong to, I created the Carts.
    If there are any mistakes or missing covers let me know at [email protected] and I will try to fix them, thanks.
  3. game wheels for atari 2600
  4. Adventure - Dragon Attack.mp3
    Adventure - Dragon Kill.mp3
    Adventure - Get Key.mp3
    Adventures of tron - jump.mp3
    Adventures of tron - run.mp3
    Adventures of tron - tank shot.mp3
    Air Sea Battle - Shot.mp3
    Asteroids - explode.mp3
    Asteroids - shoot.mp3
    Atari 2600 Wheel Sounds.zip
    Atlantis - Shoot.mp3
    barnstorming - airplane 1.mp3
    battlezone - move.mp3
    battlezone - radar.mp3
    battlezone - shoot.mp3
    Bezerk - Sound 1.mp3
    Bezerk - Sound 2.mp3
    Bezerk - Sound 3.mp3
    Bezerk - Sound 4.mp3
    Bowling - rolling.mp3
    Bowling - strike.mp3
    Boxing - End Round.mp3
    Boxing - Punch.mp3
    breakout - block bust.mp3
    breakout - bump 1.mp3
    breakout - bump 2.mp3
    carnival - hit.mp3
    carnival - shot.mp3
    Centipede - shots.mp3
    Chopper Command - Chopper.mp3
    Chopper Command - Shot.mp3
    Chopper Command - Shots.mp3
    Circus - Bounce.mp3
    Circus - Clear Blocks.mp3
    Combat - hit.mp3
    combat - tank move.mp3
    Cosmic Ark - Next Level.mp3
    Cosmic Ark - Shoot.mp3
    Cosmic Ark - Sound 1.mp3
    Cosmic Ark - Sound 2.mp3
    Dark Chambers - Shot.mp3
    Defender - Alien Beaming up.mp3
    Defender - Flying.mp3
    Defender - STart.mp3
    Demon Attack - hit.mp3
    Demon Attack - Shot.mp3
    digdug 1.mp3
    dodgem - change lanes.mp3
    dodgem - driving.mp3
    dodgem - high speed.mp3
    Donkey Kong - Item Get.mp3
    Donkey Kong - Jump.mp3
    Donkey Kong - Walk.mp3
    ET - Fall.mp3
    ET - Walk.mp3
    Frogger - hop.mp3
    Frogger - hop2.mp3
    frogger - made it.mp3
    Haunted House - Get Item.mp3
    Haunted House - Get Piece.mp3
    Haunted House - Next Room 1.mp3
    Haunted House - Next Room 2.mp3
    Haunted House - Walking.mp3
    HERO - Dynamite.mp3
    HERO - Helicopter.mp3
    HERO - Laser Beam.mp3
    keystone - item get.mp3
    keystone - jump.mp3
    keystone - run.mp3
    Missile Command - Count Cities.mp3
    Missile Command - Count Missles.mp3
    Missile Command - Shoot.mp3
    Missle Command - Start.mp3
    Montezuma's Revenge - Door.mp3
    Montezuma's Revenge - Extra Life.mp3
    Montezuma's Revenge - Item Get.mp3
    Montezuma's Revenge - Jump.mp3
    Montezuma's Revenge - Walking.mp3
    pacman - ghost eater1.mp3
    pacman - ghost eater2.mp3
    pacman - gobble.mp3
    pacman - start.mp3
    Pitfall Atari - Extra Life.mp3
    Pitfall Atari - Jump.mp3
    Pitfall Atari - Log.mp3
    Pitfall Atari - Swinging.mp3
    Quick Step - Death.mp3
    Quick Step - Got white brick.mp3
    Quick Step - Jump.mp3
    Quick Step - Level Will Advance.mp3
    Quick Step - Start.mp3
    River Raid - Gassing Up.mp3
    Skiing - Sound 1.mp3
    Skiing - Sound 2.mp3
    Spider Fighter - Death.mp3
    Spider Fighter - Level Start.mp3
    Spider Fighter - Shots.mp3
    Warlords - Death.mp3
    Warlords - Deflect.mp3
    Warlords - Wall Destruction.mp3
    Yars - Alert.mp3
    Yars - Death.mp3
    Yars - Sound 1.mp3
  5. Atari 2600 Main Menu Wheels
    Taken from the GibbaWho Unified Extended PSD's
  6. Letter Pack for ATARI 2600, enjoy it
  7. 668 Wheel Game Atari 2600 
    Création Ghostlost
    Modification Bordure Cyclair
  8. ...
  9. Thanks to all who shared their files, with these files I was able to mount this pack!
    Following an official xml we have today, I did not all just the ones was missing, Thanks to those who initiated this.
  10. Set of 448 Atari 2600 2D boxes with reflections added and reformatted to be aspect-correct in 16:9 widescreen setups. The boxes themselves are sourced from other 2D box sets. This set matches HyperList as of December 2017, but does not include images for games marked as prototypes, unlicensed, or non-English games.
  11. Fade do sistema Atari 2600 (16:9)
  12. new style tried!!!!
  13. I uploaded this set a while ago but I have since updated some boxes, such as the Bit Corporation, Xonox, and Sancho games. Others too.
  14. 702 png Atari wheel art pack
    Added the correct wheel for Yars Revenge, the original in this pack was Montezuma's Revenge. (Gigapig)
  15. Logo artwork provided by THK.
  16. This is an updated cart art set for the Atari 2600 system. New templates were used for some games. All of them have been redone and are now better quality than the previous set. Enjoy!
  17. HyperBase - Added on 8/11/2016 - Circo
    Full set of 3D box art for Atari 2600. Most of these boxes were already made by rattlesnakeyes and 32assassin. I made custom boxes for many of the unlicensed games and prototypes in the current Atari 2600 database.
  18. Official Database -> [Download]
  19. Cartridge art for the Atari 2600.
  20. Letter pack for the Atari 2600, based on the lettering style of the official system logo
  21. Simple red letters for the Atari 2600 wheel.
  22. atari 2600 pointer
  23. Now that was painful. :-D
    I´ve downloaded a total of four Atari Boxes pack, both 2D and 3D, from you guys but I´ve faced some problems with it so I decided to update it and make it OCD-ready. ;-)
    Here´s what I did:
    - A LOT of boxes had no images at all. Now each one of the 648 games at the HyperList 1.0 have an image, even if a "Homebrew" or "Prototype" mock-up
    - The resolutions were all over the place, from 200 px to 800 px wide. All lo-res pics were redownloaded. Now every image is exactly 600 px wide OR 850 px tall (wichever reached first);
    - A lot of games had low quality scans. Those were replaced;
    - A lot of late, poorly distributed Atari games were sold with NO boxes at all (E.G. Eli´s Ladder). For those i´ve used a manual scan instead.
    - A few games were packed-in with special controllers or acessories. For those I´ve added the entire pack box (E.G. Survival Run, Spitfire Attack)
    - Most of homebrews were released without boxes. For those, manual was used WHEN POSSIBLE. Some of them didn´t even had a manual available.
    - There were a lot of obscure European games with no boxes at all. For those I´ve made individual mock-ups using cart scans + other boxed as model (E.G. Topy). Ain´t great but it works.
    I´ve changed almost 400 of the 648 box scans. It seems pretty standarized right now. Bear in mind that there is A LOT of different box formats but hey! Not my fault! :-D
  24. I´ve downloaded the original Atari Carts pack from you guys but I´ve faced some problems with it so I decided to update it and make it OCD-ready. ;-)
    Here´s what I did:
    - A few carts had no images at all. Now each one of the 648 games at the HyperList 1.0 have an image, even if a "ROM Only no cart release" (E.G.: I Project);
    - There where some unused images. They are gone now;
    - The resolutions were all over the place, from 150 px to 400 px wide. All lo-res pics were redownloaded. Now every image is exactly 400 px wide;
    - Some games had low quality scans. Those were replaced;
    - Some games had wrong images (E.G.: Air Raid). All fixed now;
    - Some Atari games released on both Text and Pic labels had the (boring) Text label scanned (E.G.: SLot Racer). Those were replaced when possible;
    - When possible, I´ve tracked down original scans of the real card or PCB of the Protos. (E.G.: LotR: Rivendell, Last Starfighter);
    - I´ve added transparency on every oddly-shaped cart (E.G.: Air Raid, Air Raiders) so it would look good when displayed;
    I´ve replaced almost 200 of the 648 items in the pack. It seems pretty standarized right now.
  25. Atari 2600 Sound Pack (Roadrunner)

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