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Everything posted by planbee

  1. Yes he did call it LEDwiz, though the IC's used are designed for the EXACT purpose as being used in pin cabs. http://www.datasheetcatalog.org/datasheet/nte/NTE2017.pdf This is the datasheet for the IC which has the higher current rating of 750mA. In the first paragraph the Description it says "Typical loads include relays, solenoids, stepping motors, multiplexed LED and incadescent displays, and heaters." Granted it's not the exact chip that is on the LEDWiz but it's job is the exact same, just with different ratings. So I don't see an issue there. There are other pcb's available to the public that do the same job as the ledwiz, it's just this one is programmed for what we want it to do...
  2. Oh and I'm more than certain that Randy would be aware of the IC with 750mA current ratings that I mentioned, though the price of that IC is triple the amount of the one's used on the LED-Wiz pcb's, so common sense tells you to manufacture with the cheaper yet still suitable part...
  3. I'm talking about expanding the ledwiz. My guess about the stutter is that it's related to the mircocontroller IC, part number: CY7C63413C-PVXC If you do a google search of that part number and look at the datasheet for the IC you'll see that it's a low-speed high input/ouput 1.5mbps USB controller. An improvement on this IC along with more darlington IC's will improve the LED-Wiz performance. The issue about the current rating being limited to 500mA per output, the only substitute IC that I can find that would be an improvement still only has 8 outputs each with a collector current rating of 750mA. The only issue I think there is is getting the source code's for the IC's, unless someone is a software programmer and wants a project?
  4. I've been looking at an LED-Wiz alternative too. Okay each pcb has 4 x eight darlington array IC's. Which gives you a total of 32 outputs. The only way to increase the amount of output's would be to add more IC's, giving possible 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80... outputs. As for the talk about "stutter". Well I've read through this thread, rather briefly though, and I couldn't quite grasp what was meant by this. I can always assume but that's not certain. I take it it's more or less a lag issue related to the LED-Wiz? The 5th chip, the one in the middle of the pcb is the USB microcontroller IC, rated at 1.5mbps and having internal RAM of 256 bytes. As I'm not certain on the whole stutter thing I'm not 100% though I do believe this could relate to the stutter issue....
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