Commodore 16 & plus4 Box Art
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Complete set of box art for the Commodore 16 & plus4
659 images in total!
All edited from the scans on plus4 world.
Some are cartridge or disk boxes and some double cassette box scans though most are single tape games.
I have put all of the cassette games into a tape box psd so they look realistic.
(I found the Cassette Box PSD on this site ages ago but unfortunately cant find the thread again).Thank you and credit goes out to the creator.
Also there are a lot of games and programmes from the database which never had art. these are mainly Public Domain, Magazines, Prototype and hacks. Ive made the artwork for these using an 80s style blank cassette with the game name 'written' on it.
I'll be uploading my complete Plus 4 Setup.
Box Packs
HyperBase Version
Media Dimensions
File Count