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Everything posted by gr0bda

  1. I believe I got the latest set 0.261. I'd say where I download it from, but I don't think it's allowed, although it is on Git-hub so maybe it's ok? Btw how did you deduct my romset is 2 years old? I found this link and downloaded ahk file and Gondomania US and World, both work fine now from RL. However from HS I get I'm missing mame.xml, even though I downloaded this file: Which is from 2022! On top of that on the main page among the "Highest Rated" there is another xml file that is from 2015 and updated in 2021!!! Highest Rated! I mean, come on now! If that is not confusing what is going on on this website I don't know what is! EDIT: Got it to work. XML was missing in the RLauncher not HS, which I finally found this download: Unfortunately I managed to wipe out all the settings in RL and HS. What a bummer!
  2. I am SOOO confused. I haven't been playing with my Arcade cabinet in maybe 2 years and now some things are not working. It started with me downloading latest ver of MAME and then trying to launch Gondomania and then slowly I discovered more games are not working I opened the RL UI and ran the audit. It went mostly green, but when I tried to run Gondomania from RL, I got error something about ahk_class and to check for correct version. I re-downloaded full version of RL which latest is from 2022! and it had the same ahk version that I found in previous RL. And now Audit is ALL red! After digging through RL forums even though there was talk about latest version of MAME modules I was unable to find a download. Then through Google search it looks like the ahk files are obtained through HS? I finally found latest download of the MAME ahk from Downloads section here: that is dated from 2019!! So my real question is HS dependent on RL and ahk files, even though they seem to be 2 different programs? And where do I get the latest version from?? And if I get it from here why do I replace it in RL?? Or do I place them in both programs HS AND RL??
  3. Is version 1.0 of Daphne paid only? Anyone have some experience with Hypseus Singe? Is it better ? Worse? How to setup with Laser roms in Hyperspin. Any links to a proper setup vide maybe? TIA!
  4. I don't know if I was supposed to place in both of the directories mentioned, but the Windows WOW64 wouldn't let me copy there without some higher privileges and the Hyperspin directory the icon in the screenshot had some odd arrows on top of the icon, but I placed it in the Hyperspin directory and it works now, so Thank You!
  5. I have not used my arcade maybe in 2 years? Finally I fired it up again, everything seemed to work, but I decided to update Win10 (had my reasons, please don't make me explain). And after whichever update when I click on Hyperspin icon it seem to be loading (spinning blue circle for a moment) and then nothing happens. I see it in Task Manager, but it just lingers there. I tried to install Launchbox, but I am not impressed so far. I want my Hyperspin functioning again. What is wrong? Thank you.
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