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About mattdavis

  • Birthday 07/28/1968


  • Knubberrub

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  1. FYI: If you are having trouble finding the basic ahk compiler, google this: AutoHotkey104805_Install -Matt
  2. after a bit of searching, I found it on a German (or maybe Bavarian) site. Works fine. If anybody gets stuck and can't find it- pm me.
  3. Hello, I can't locate "basic ahk" on the ahk website. There is a single download button and it directly downloads 'ahk L'. On install there are two options: ansi 32-bit and Uncode 32-bit. Both result in the compiled code failing for different reasons. Can somebody point out my obvious idiocy on not finding a 'basic ahk' download? Thanks, Matt
  4. Hi Randy, My LedWiz is new and I will be glad to try, but it won't be until this weekend. I am just to the stage of setting up tables and have not played enough to find one that has an issue. Anyone know a sure fire ledwiz caused stuttering table? It seems Monopoly has a reputation of always having stutter issues- but I am not sure if its problem is ledwiz related or not.
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