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Everything posted by Gigagamesguy

  1. And here is my "Powrepin" the Name is not Final. It's an Samsung UE46d6540 46" Playfield a Sasmung UE32D6540 32" Backgalss a LG H1942 19" DMD Display http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?16722-New-PowerPin-from-Germany-Tom-46x32x15-6
  2. Who is Sam can i Conrade him
  3. Where can i get it from Sam or have everyone the Tool for me
  4. hi can you say me wy i have this not by my fplaunch to setup wht must i do
  5. must i have an ipac when i have buy a naotech plunger with digital board or need i booth systems the price is not that problem ipac cost 39,95 € th nanotech plunger with io board cost 139 dollar can i buy the nanotech plunger here in germany
  6. how many tables are use the nanotech plunger with digital io board on the digital io board there is a nugde system inside ? use i only the plunger for shoot the ball and use the ipac for keybord switches must i have a nanotech plunger with digital io board or it's enough when i use the launch button to start the ball
  7. ok all at start i have calculate how many creed Led's i will use 3 creed on top rgbw 3 creed on the end of the playfield 2 strobos from dtm racing sport with finished controling box on top 2 strobos from dtm racing sport with finished controling box on the end of the playfield 2 strobos under the cab i have calculate i use 24 ports from led wiz 4 Flipperbuttons Colour clear i will use 2 Leds single colour (my idea was i use the 3 rgb led's from wolsoft for different colors for the different tables, the problem, i have not enough ports for connecting) any idea how difficult is it to configure the flipperbuttons colour to the different playfield or is it enough when i use one color for the flipperbuttons how many buttons must i have for strating the pinball i think coin in start player exit pause launch ball extra Ball it be 6 Led's how to play (i don't use it) shoot(???) genere (???) when i have right calculate i use all 32 ports from the led wiz i have read, one output can be 500 mah, when i use the creed, i use a resistor to control the creed led auf 350 mah its going fine when the table says to the led wiz make port e.g. 12,22,26 on, for effect it is ok 3 led's use 1050 mah together it this ok
  8. hi what for optokoppler have you used for connection two of cree led a 350 mah i will connect two leds serial on one led wiz port wht for a octokoppler must ia have
  9. I will build a Pinball Name "Powerpin" ok i ask in three times her in the thread i will make 5? rgbw led's on the top backcase and 5? on the end of the playfield RGBW and 3 strobos Backcase two at the end of the playfield and 2 under the cab, I have see this by a Cab from Chris, it's very nice. I will only use Led's für my Cab no Knockers or solenoids not rumble ect. Button Led's für Blinky mode, an the lights on the cab and playfield or Is it too much when i use 5 RGBW Creed Led's on the top and on the end of the playfield, can i use the White color from the Creed Led's to simulate the strobo effect or can i use the strobos from a real pace car from motorsport 12 Volt 1. what must i have for controlling led's (creed Led's R G B W) and strobos Ledwiz or Pac Drive or Pac Led 64
  10. hi i am a newbee and i read anywhre in english but i can't understand all my problems are the led's lighning i hope you can read my bad english i will build apinball cab with creed led's on the backglass and on the end by the playfield i ask chris but he say'y i must read the electric info (is ok), i have made it but i understand not all my problem ist what must i use ledwiz or pac led 64 or pac drive i will only use led's no knocker's, solinods ect. my problem is i will make 5 creed Led's on the top of the backglass and the same in the end of the playfield or is it too much can i connet the colors red blue and green together also i use 3 ports on the led controller for the strobe effect it is ok when i use the white color from the creed led'' or can i use this 2 Stroboskop LED-Panele Blitzer Licht für Auto WEIß or this oneStroboskop-Blitzer 12VDC weiß i will use 3 strobo's on the backglass, 2 in the end of the playfield an 2 under the cab in front, can i connect all 8 strobos on one port on the Led Controller. or is it too much need i a seperatly powersystem like this Netzteil MeanWell 12V / 8.5A / 100W can i connect the led flipper buttons direcly to the led controller, or must i have any resitors between led's and led controller i hope that is ok for you that i asked you so many im so sorry, this is my last problem to start the projekt the ipac and the nanotech plunger is in planing to start best regrads Thomas H. from Germany
  11. is here a people that's speak germane with me i.e via skype ect. add me gigagamesguy for german speaking it's goin only i need help with -----led wiz----creed led's----strobo'----led buttons----
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