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  • ISSUE #1

    Initially updates.. to 2.038... If I close HLHQ... and reload. It says im back on 2.031 - To be clear... did this on 2.0.36 as well.

    Also... the cache system.... theres no way to rebuild the file set.... came back only only got a little bit of media in hyperspin

    Need some claritty on how the overrides work too... 

    ISSUE #2

    You have 

    C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\EmuMoviesVideoMedium
    C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\GameTheme

    C:\ProgramData\HyperSpin\media\Systems\_overrides\Arcade (MAME)\GameTheme\1942.mp4 <-- Example?

    Which one does what? 

    GameTheme = Game theme videos? Like fully videos?
    EmuMoviesVideoMedium = Regular game videos? 4:3

    ISSUE #3

    I dont think the overrides work at all.

    ISSUE #4

    I havent checked yet, but does adding an intro video still make hyperspin launch as a grey screen?

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    HyperHQ has updated to 2.0.39 and when it tries to load Hyperspin thereafter it just gets stuck loading the cache (It's been 30 minutes so far and has progressed literally nowhere)

    I thought you were doing away with the cache altogether ?image.png.3f0ae08beab2ac6c685834e4f08d7813.png



    I was doing away with the _cache folder - not the need for caching. It looks like hyperspin didnt update. Please close hyperspin (kill from task manager if you need to) and do a reinstall of the hyperspin core plugin.



    Changed Severity to 3 - Medium Priority

    Changed Current Status to Investigation



    It sounds like you have multiple installs of HQ. Please uninstall and then delete the folders for HQ in both programdata and any custom locations. The latest version of the HQ installer should fix the issue of the version seeming to revert.

    Game themes take up the whole screen. EmuMovies video locations are the videos that show up in the theme. If you use a video theme - emumovies videos are not available. 

    Intros should be fine (famous last words)

    Overrides not working will be looked at shortly.

    As a house keeping note: please create separate posts for these issues when you report bugs. It's easier for me to keep track of what is done and what still needs looked at. 



    Im not sure to be honest....

    Ive deleted the files from the USer foldres... as well as the local/roaming...

    I did a clean install with 2.0.39... and it still reverts back to 2031.

    Im kind of mad at myself as I have to start from scratch and this problem is persisting.



    It is registry? Im at a loss here... thinking of starting with a clean windows



    Its probably not reverting. You are opening the HQ version .31 icon as the update installer for the old versions installs to Program Files on the C drive



    I just went from .36 to .39 with the auto updater and everything installed to my correct custom path on my X drive




    I dont know what you mean... I only have one installation. Ive removed everything else... and did a fresh install.



    Ive fixed it. I had to reset my computer... now when i launch i get the proper version. 2.039

    I got to start from scratch now :(

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