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15 files

  1. pack 1358 logo/wheels for Amstrad CPC for USA language
    i hope you enjoy!
  2. Amstrad CPC 3D Boxes
    These are Amstrad CPC 3D Boxes, some are stretched to fit, some are made up, will upload more as I finish them.
    If anyone has images for missing boxes, preferably full covers or  with the spine,  I will try and make new 3D boxes, if you send me the files to [email protected], thanks.
  3. game wheels for amstrad cpc
  4. 1469 Wheel Game Amastrad CPC
    Création Ghostlost
    Modification Bordure Cyclair
  5. Amstrad CPC 6128 Pointer (16:9)(4:3)
  6. Amstrad CPC 464 Pointer (16:9)(4:3)
  7. 16.9 y 4.3  
  8. 474
  9. Boxes Match from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders with Tur-match.
  10. Boxes Match from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders with Tur-match.
  11. a pack of 3D Box Artwork for Amstrad CPC
  12. a pack of wheels for Amstrad CPC
  13. Amstrad CPC Game Wheels Pack-albert_c
  14. Amstrad_CPC_Wheels_[08012015]. Wheels Match with Tur-Matcher from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders on FTP along with my C64 wheels. Wheel naming based on HS 1.0 XML. No guarantee that all wheels match a Amstrad CPC box. Its a start anyway. Did you help with some of these? Let me know so you can get added to the credits! Cheers!
  15. Amstrad CPC Main Menu Wheel

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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