15 files
pack 1358 logo/wheels for Amstrad CPC for USA language
i hope you enjoy!
By Hugoku329 -
Amstrad CPC 3D Boxes
These are Amstrad CPC 3D Boxes, some are stretched to fit, some are made up, will upload more as I finish them.
If anyone has images for missing boxes, preferably full covers or with the spine, I will try and make new 3D boxes, if you send me the files to [email protected], thanks.
By jayrox458 -
game wheels for amstrad cpc
By deanseavy12 -
1469 Wheel Game Amastrad CPC
Création Ghostlost
Modification Bordure Cyclair
By cyclair48 -
Amstrad CPC 6128 Pointer (16:9)(4:3)
By RGamingOC88 -
Amstrad CPC 464 Pointer (16:9)(4:3)
By RGamingOC118 -
16.9 y 4.3
By RGamingOC193 -
By GalaxieGames474
Boxes Match from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders with Tur-match.
By HyperSpin641 -
Boxes Match from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders with Tur-match.
By HyperSpin729 -
a pack of 3D Box Artwork for Amstrad CPC
By HyperSpin840 -
a pack of wheels for Amstrad CPC
By relic246 -
Amstrad CPC Game Wheels Pack-albert_c
By albert_c710 -
Amstrad_CPC_Wheels_[08012015]. Wheels Match with Tur-Matcher from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders on FTP along with my C64 wheels. Wheel naming based on HS 1.0 XML. No guarantee that all wheels match a Amstrad CPC box. Its a start anyway. Did you help with some of these? Let me know so you can get added to the credits! Cheers!
By dougan781,221 -
Amstrad CPC Main Menu Wheel
By HyperSpin368