Puyo Puyo DA! (English & Japanese) Logo's & Assets
Spent days/hours on this as there wasn't an english logo since an english translation has been made.
All we need now is a theme for it so get creating folks !
Agard is removed once downloaded so all clean.
Huge update this month!
34 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Aero Fighters Special (VER 1.00G) [aerofgtsg]
Baile 2005 (V3.2 2005-01-12) [baile]
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix (HDD) [bam2]
Beast Busters: Second Nightmare [bbust2]
Brave Blade (VER 1.40G) [brvbladeg]
Buriki One: World Grapple Tournament '99 in Tokyo [buriki]
Cool Boarders Arcade Jam (Export bootleg) [cbajbl]
Flame Gunner (VER 1.40G) [flamegung]
Fighters' Impact (VER 2.10G) [ftimpactg]
G-Darius (VER 2.70G) [gdariusg]
Jinpai Suoha - Show Hand [jinpaish]
Speed Up / Kkotbinyeo (Korea) [kotbinyosu]
Mawasunda!! [mawasunda]
Primal Rage II (Test Version 0.36a) [primrag2]
Ray Storm (VER 2.60G) [raystormg]
Samurai Shodown 64 / Samurai Spirits [sams64]
Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage / Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden [sams64_2]
Shanghai Matekibuyuu (VER 1.20G) [shngmtkbg]
Block Kuzushi, The (VER 1.10G) [tblkkuzug]
Xtreme Rally / Off Beat Racer! [xrally]
New Clones:
Astro Invader (bootleg) [astinvadb]
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix (CDROM) [bam2a]
Head Panic (ver. 8.30) [hedpanic830]
Puck Man (bootleg, set 3) [puckmanb3]
Shanghai (Japan) [shanghaij]
Sprint 2 (bootleg) [sprint2bl]
Zaxxon (set 2, unknown rev) [zaxxon2]
Updated Roms:
Cameltry (US, YM2610) [cameltry]
Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition / Garou Densetsu: Wild Ambition [fatfurwa]
N-Sub (cocktail) [nsubc]
Rambo III (Europe) [rambo3]
Roads Edge / Round Trip RV (rev.B) [roadedge]
Rocket Convoy [rocktcnvy]
Truco-Tron [truco]
Required CHDs:
Thankyou @Agard for providing excellent updated wheels. I will be updating next month's database update to include many of his clone wheels.
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
20: 0.268 Update
21: 0.269 Update
22: 0.270 Update
23: 0.271 Update
22: 0.272 Update
23: 0.273 Update
24: 0.274 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
14 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Gwasuwon (Korea) [gwasu]
IPM Invader (set 2) [ipminvad1]
Magic Touch (v. 28.05) [magictch]
Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Japan, v1.03) [ncv1j2]
Pyuuta-kun (Japan) [pyutakun]
New Clones:
Gradius III: Densetsu kara Shinwa e (Japan, version 3, newer) [gradius3j]
N-Sub (cocktail) [nsubc]
Rocket Convoy [rocktcnvy]
Run and Gun (ver UAB 1993 9.10, dedicated twin cabinet) [rungunuaad]
Toride II (Japan, revision I) [toride2ji]
Updated Roms:
Evil Night (ver UBA) [evilngt]
Hell Night (ver EAA) [hellngt]
Total Vice (ver EBA) [totlvice]
Triple Hunt [triplhnt]
IPM Invader (set 1) [ipminvad]
Namco Classic Collection Vol [ncv1]
Required CHDs:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
19: 0.268 Update
20: 0.269 Update
20: 0.270 Update
21: 0.271 Update
22: 0.272 Update
23: 0.273 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
8 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
CPS1 Multi Game [cps1mult]
DT7 (prototype) [dt7]
Future Flash (set 2) [futflasha]
Harikiri Junior Baseball [harikiri]
New Clones:
Mario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 1) [mariobl]
Phozon (Sidam) [phozon]
Punk Shot (Asia 2 Players, hacked?) [punkshot2a]
SRD: Super Real Darwin (Japan, bootleg) [srdarwinb]
Updated Roms:
Astro Wars [astrowar]
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 1) [edf]
Kangaroo [kangaroo]
Future Flash (set 1) [futflash]
Missing Themes (New Media) Update for December
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
19: 0.268 Update
20: 0.269 Update
20: 0.270 Update
21: 0.271 Update
22: 0.272 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
A bit delayed but finally done!
25 new (working - arcade only) games this month
New Parents:
Chusenoh [chusenoh]
Gu, Choki, Pa [guchokip]
Jurassic Park (bootleg of Mega Drive version) [jparkmb]
Mad Motor (prototype, set 2) [madmotora]
Tangram Q [tangramq]
Thunder Heroes (set 2) [theroesa]
New Clones:
Astro Blaster (French) [astrobf]
Bumba (bootleg of Head On) [bumba]
Captain X [captainx]
Carnival (ManilaMatic bootleg) [carnivalmm]
Lode Runner III - Majin no Fukkatsu [ldrun3jc]
Makaimura (Japan Revision B, alt GFX) [makaimurba]
Pengo (Marti Colls bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 1) [pengomc1]
The Punisher (bootleg with PIC16C57, set 2) [punipic2]
Super Crowns Golf (Japan, set 2) [suprgolfja]
Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English bootleg set 4) [wbmlb2]
Updated Roms:
Aladdin (bootleg of Mega Drive version) [aladmdb]
NFL Blitz [blitz]
NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition [blitz2k]
California Speed [calspeed]
Castle Of Dracula [cdracula]
Cruis'n World [crusnwld]
Night Mare (Spain) [nightmare]
Ninja Spirit (World) [nspirit]
Yamato [yamato]
Missing Themes (New Media) Update for November
Agard (Updated Wheels + Database Additions)
Andyman (Themes + Wheels + Database Additions)
Creezz67 (Theme + Video)
Darwin1995 (Themes)
ESPARTANOCT (Theme + Wheel)
hoscarconh (Themes)
Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
Publio (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
19: 0.268 Update
20: 0.269 Update
20: 0.270 Update
21: 0.271 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
Country Girl ( cntrygrl ) Large logo's
AGARD is removed once downloaded.
Nice quality logo's for theme creating.
Enjoy ! & Please support all creators.
Cosmos ( cosmos ) Large logo's
3 Variations of logo
AGARD is removed once downloaded.
Greats to all theme & logo creators please support there work Thanks !
Tangram Q ( tangramq ) Large Logo's & couple of asset's
Ft. Variations of the logo & & couple of asset's to help crete a theme for the NEW working game in MAME 0.272 Enjoy !
AGARD is removed once you download the files.
Thanks to all Theme & Logo creators who have helped along the way please support them by liking & reviewing there content !
DT7 - Dynamic Trial 7 ( Prototype ) ( dt7 ) Large Logo's & Assets Pack
Everything you need to create your themes & again I spent way to much time on this but I like quality !
Logo's are original & 2 of them I added English txt to & also some upscaled.
Enjoy & Happy Theme Creating !
AGARD is removed once downloaded
Go Go Cowboy ( gocowboy ) Large logo
I spent mooo many hours on this but as you can see this is AMAZING! If I say so but really it is perfect so get theme creating.
Clean logo once downloaded AGARD is removed.
Super Kids ( superkds ) Large Logo's
3 Variations of logo's
Logo's are clean once download
Enjoy & Happy Theme Creating !
Get in touch if making theme's as might be able to help as I have a large collection of things i'll never get done.
I don't collect gambling mahjong or anything like that so won't have any artwork on those sorry.
Dyno Bop ( dynobop ) Large logo's & assets
5 Variations of the logo & 2 artworks
All logo's & artwork are clean once downloaded.
A Big Thanks to THK as spent a few hours on creating a logo from the flyer & marquee then relised they had already done the hard work I just put things together to create variations.
Dolphin Blue Large Logo's & Assets. I spent a lot of hours on the logo's more than I should have even zooming in to individual pixels as I love this game. 2 logo's with artwork combined I found searching so included those along with character artwork & a gif of the injured & my 2 versions of the logo.
Happy theme creating & enjoy !
Agard is not on downloaded logo's.
Thanks to original content creators.
22 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
Well, some of these aren't "working" but I had to include the partially playable Namco System 23 games!
New Parents:
Chaoji Dou Dizhu Liang Fu Pai (V109CN) [cjddzlf]
Chaoji Dou Dizhu Jiaqiang Ban (S300CN) [cjddzp]
Chaoji Tuolaji Jiaqiang Ban (V206CN) [cjtljp]
Crisis Zone (World, CSZO4 Ver. [crszone]
Final Furlong 2 (World) [finfurl2]
Long Hu Zhengba 4 Dui Hua Ban (V203CN) [lhzb4dhb]
Motocross Go! (US, MG3 Ver. A) [motoxgo]
Panic Park (World, PNP2 Ver. A) [panicprk]
Rapid River (US, RD3 Ver. C) [rapidrvr]
New Clones:
1945k III (Promat license, OPCX1 PCB) [1945kiiipt]
Discs of Tron (Environmental, prototype, 8/9/83) [dotronep]
Kart Duel (Japan, KTD1/VER.A) [kartduelja]
Labyrinth Runner (World Ver. F) [labyrunrf]
Metal Black (World, single PCB) [metalba]
Mingxing San Que Yi (China, V201CN) [mxsqy]
Operation Wolf 3 (Japan) [opwolf3j]
Raiden II (Great Britain) [raiden2gb]
Rapid River (prototype) [rapidrvrp]
Return of the Invaders (Video Dens bootleg) [retofinvbv]
Task Force Harrier (Lettering bootleg) [tharrierb]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver OAA) [tmnt2o]
Updated Roms:
Chaoji Dou Dizhu (V219CN) [cjddz]
Mirax (set 3) [miraxb]
Time Crisis II (US, TSS3 Ver. [timecrs2]
Missing Themes (New Media) Update for September
Agard (Updated Wheels + Database Additions)
Andyman (Themes + Wheels + Database Additions)
Darwin1995 (Themes)
Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
Publio (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
Tancrede987 (Themes, Wheels)
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
19: 0.268 Update
20: 0.269 Update
20: 0.270 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
Fighters Swords ( fswords ) ( Logo's ) large ( A.K.A ) Samurai Shodown III
It's the Korean version of Samurai Shodown III but in English
There was no logo I could find so spent hours again on cutting out & touching up as best I can.
3 clean logo's with Agard removed when downloaded.
Enjoy & happy theme creating.
Let's hope a quality logo turns up 1 day or if you have a high quality flyer with the logo on please share.
Thanks to all creators past & present.
Kart Duel ( kartduel ) ( Logo's ) large & asset for theme creating.
Clean logo's when downloaded Agard is removed.
Enjoy & happy theme creating.
Downhill Bikers ( logo ) Large for making themes
I spent a lot of time on this so enjoy & make nice themes.
Downloaded file is clean with Agard removed.
Motocross Go! ( motoxgo ) ( Logo ) large for creating themes
Original download is clean & doesn't have Agard on.
Enjoy & happy theme creating
Hebereke's Popoon / Hebereke no Popoon ( herberpop ) Asset's & English Logo released to help make theme's
Logo is in large quality & doesn't have Agard on
The last soldier wheel art
Top Secret ( Logo & Couple Of Assets ) Released For Someone to Create New Theme. Logo's are original & a clean 1 both don't have my name on that's just for example. Enjoy !!
Also you can use the swf files from the parent Bionic Commando theme here
The Last soldier ( Logo ) Released for someone to create same quality as The Last Blade ( Logo ) Both included in largest quality.
Enjoy & Hopefully someone will edit to make a perfect ( The Last Soldier ) Logo as it's the best I can do on my PC
Not much to add this month
5 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Chaoji Dou Dizhu [cjddz]
Long Hu Zhengba 4 [lhzb4]
New Clones:
Lunar Rescue (Artic bootleg) [lrescueabl]
P-47 - The Freedom Fighter [p47a]
Updated Roms:
Diet Go Go [dietgo]
There were many new slot machines and computers, but I only focus on working arcade games (for these updates).
4 new Plug and Play games worth mentioning:
16-bit TV Dance Pad with 15 songs / Dance Dance Party Mix (DDRGame) [ddr33v]
Mega Drive Play TV 1 (Japan) [mdtvp1j]
Teleshibai (Japan) [teleshi]
Teleshibai - Purple Version (Japan) [teleship]
Missing Themes (New Media) Update for September
Agard (Updated Wheels + themes)
Andyman (Themes + Wheels)
Bodydump (Theme)
Darwin1995 (Themes)
Hoscarconh (Themes)
Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
Nanometrovovo2 (Themes, Wheels, Database Additions)
Publio (Themes)
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
19: 0.268 Update
20: 0.269 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
7 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Clones:
Quiz Gakuen Paradise (Japan, ver. 1.02) [gakupara102]
Gallop - Armed Police Unit (Japan, M72 hardware) [gallopm72]
Quiz Gekiretsu Scramble (Japan, prototype) [gekiretup]
Heavy Barrel (US, revision 3) [hbarrelu]
Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 040123) [hsf2j1]
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 970113) [xmvsfj]
Updated Roms:
Au (Swimmer conversion) [au]
Not much going on this month. There will probably be a huge IGS games update in the next few months when controls are fixed.
I was able to use existing themes to make a complete set for the update.
There are some new interesting Handhelds and PNP systems, I need to go through my backlog to update my "PNP Project"
Missing Themes (New Media) Update for August
Agard (Updated Wheels)
Eraser_Arcarde (Themes)
Hoscarconh (Themes)
Jesfknkrys (Themes, Wheels, Videos, Database Additions)
Johnfreitassousa (Themes, Wheels, Database Additions)
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
19: 0.268 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
16:9 Wheels:
1. White Atari Logo
2. Black Atari logo
3. Black Atari logo with white Border