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3 files

  1. Here's Database DEmul 0.7 WIP [12 october 2017] full set without bioses.
    I've uploaded also a litle theme created quickly because i don't find any other about demul.
    For module launcher , please read the third post below.
  2. This is a combination of the official hyperlist xml, the 'official' thread that Tonesmalones and others contributed to, and work done by me.
    I'm trying to steer away from renaming 'ROM' names. It's a hassle for the entire community. At the end of the day the 'game name' or 'file name' is irrelevent, what displays in HyperSpin (currently, the description) is what matters. Big changes are coming with the way we do databases, but for now, I prefer to change the 'description' name only, unless the ROM name is particularly offensive to me (e.g. Sega Rally Championship 2 instead of Sega Rally 2: Sega Rally Championship.

    Also note that Tonesmalones made it a point to utilize semicolons in the descriptions. I agree with this, it looks more 'professional' like a movie title. Hyphens will still be used for games like Street Fighter 3: Third Strike - Fight for the Future, also in certain instances, like Resident Evil - Code: Veronica. What I'm trying to avoid is double instances of anything. It looks sloppy. Again, these changes are only in the description, the filenames will use hyphens for everything.
    I understand that the current consensus is to include 'everything playable,' even mahjong games that require you to navigate a Japanese menu to even play. I have mixed feelings on this. I didn't include stuff like this because I consider it culturally insignificant. If you take issue with this, speak up. But it's more work for everyone involved - it means someone has to make a 'Hentai Tentacle Master Gangbang Mahjong part 5' wheel, box art, video, etc. I have no desire for this kind of stuff in the official list, playable or not.
    Games that are either 'unplayable,' undumped, or 'culturally insignificant' have been exported to an 'exclude' list. The idea is, you can easily merge the official list and the exclude list, to have every game if you so desire. This should please everyone. If you're mad that a game wasn't included, well, there's the exclude list. Feel free to add it yourself. If you believe there have been errors made, and some Japanese games belong in the main list, by all means, bring it to my attention, we'll make it happen.
    Games have been checked for publisher and rating accuracy. The list is certifiably 96% accurate, there may be minor updates as I continue to work on my 'Ultimate Sega Dreamcast' project.
    As always, if there are errors, feel free to bring them to my attention. We all want the same thing here - accurate data.
  3. this removes all extra disc' in the wheel
    make sure to enable multi disc for the system under setting>multi game

    put this file in your hyperspin database .\hyperspin\databases\sega dreamcast
    put the hyperlist version in the RLUI database folder .\rocketlauncher\rocketlauncherui\databases

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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