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34 files

  1. RetroArch Arduboy Handheld 
  2. 776
  3. Bezel - 16x9 - 2560x1440_Horizontal_HoscarconH.ini
  4. A wheel for the Konami Handheld system.
  5. Wheel pack for the Tiger Handheld Electronics system.
  6. Wheel pack for the Konami Handheld system.
  7. Últimas versiones de los artworks MAME de este sistema, estos themes con el fondo blanco, no me agradan mucho, ya que es demasiada luminosidad a la hora de jugar, con lo que los he rectificado añadiendo logos y y tratando de encontrar en 1920x1080 los backgrounds de los themes disponibles del sistema. Mis créditos a los creadores de estos artworks MAME. 

  8. Últimas versiones de los artworks MAME de este sistema, estos themes con el fondo blanco, no me agradan mucho, ya que es demasiada luminosidad a la hora de jugar, con lo que he rectificado uno a uno añadiendo logos y colores más cómodos para la vista. Mis créditos a los creadores de estos artworks.
  9. Arduboy System Media and game media (47)
    Video Snaps
  10. Aqui os traigo las cajas 3D que acabo de terminar del sistema subido recientemente por Floatingyeti, en total 6 cajas, realmente difícil conseguir en poco tiempo media con mejor resolución para la realización de las cajas, además os dejo theme.xml para sustituir en archivo default de la media realizada por DiegoIK para un encuadramiento perfecto, ya que me basé en esa media.

  11. Fade and alternarive bezel for this totally unknown system.
  12. Koei PasoGo, a failed handheld from 1996 that was competing with the Game Boy pocket. It cost four times as much and only played variations of GO. No one needed it then and no one really needs in in their HyperSpin setup now.
    Of course, I had to.
  13. Artworks MAME personalizados

  14. 66
  15. 33
  16. Game Wheels Elektronika Handheld
  17. MAME core 0.247 required
    I had to turn on Dip Switch: Port 1-4 to get Mech Cycle games working.
    Using RA Option: Main CPU Overclock = 30 will fix the speed of the bios/intro/menus, basically everything but the actual gameplay.  I ended up not using MCO but maybe someone can find the magic setting.
    The system is very finicky. I had to reboot my PC a few times when all the games decided to stop launching but everything does work.
  18. Nokia N-Gage 3D Box Pack
    Thanks to @seaview59 who made "Space Impact X" logo.
  19. Nokia N-Gage 2D Box Pack.
    Thanks to @seaview59 who made "Space Impact X" logo.
  20. All Files are using MAME Software List names.  It is playable in MAME and RetroArch (MAME-current).
    I highly recommend using bezel for this system (the graphics are hard to make out fullscreen)
  21. Gamate (BIT Corporation) Full Setup
    All files are using MAME Software List names. It is playable in MAME and RetroArch (MAME - current) 
    The wheels were (for the most part) original designs by me.  There wasn't much original artwork to work with so I just created logos based off the game tiles when needed.
  22. Hartung Game Master Custom 3D Boxes
  23. Hartung Game Master Custom 2D Boxes
  24. ...
  25. Tiger Handheld Electronics main menu wheel.

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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