Theme Commodore Amiga (Default)(16:9) 2.0
Tamaño para Artwork3 ((Box3D) : 300x460
Tamaño para Artwork4: (Diskette): 165x205
Theme Commodore Amiga (Default)(16:9) 1.0
Tamaño para Artwork3 ((Box3D) : 259x500
Tamaño para Artwork4: (Diskette): 155x200
Default theme Commodore Amiga 16:9 V2
V2 Includes improvements in the game theme with more image quality in Artworks.
V2 Incluye mejoras en el game theme, con más calidad de imagen en Artworks.
Default Theme do sistema Commodore Amiga (16:9)
Note: Use the Box in the artwork2 folder!
Note¹: The ideal size for the Box is 199x386.
here is the default commodore amiga theme which im sure everyone has always wanted and have been looking around for it