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System Default Themes

5 files

  1. Theme Commodore Amiga (Default)(16:9) 2.0
    Tamaño para Artwork3 ((Box3D) : 300x460
    Tamaño para Artwork4: (Diskette): 165x205
    288 0
  2. Theme Commodore Amiga (Default)(16:9) 1.0
    Tamaño para Artwork3 ((Box3D) : 259x500
    Tamaño para Artwork4: (Diskette): 155x200
    103 0
  3. Default theme Commodore Amiga 16:9 V2
    V2 Includes improvements in the game theme with more image quality in Artworks.
    V2 Incluye mejoras en el game theme, con más calidad de imagen en Artworks.
    80 0
  4. Default Theme do sistema Commodore Amiga (16:9)
    Note: Use the Box in the artwork2 folder!
    Note¹: The ideal size for the Box is 199x386.
    338 2
  5. here is the default commodore amiga theme which im sure everyone has always wanted and have been looking around for it
    329 0
  • emumovies partner.png

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