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5 files

  1. Añadido los géneros al sistema.

    76 0
  2. Todos los videos nuevos, capturados y editados con pantalla intro al final del video, ah..!!!! y todos con sonido...
    110 2
  3. Hi folks,
    This is my complete XML Database for the Thomson MO5 computer system.
    All 276 games known and dumped as of 20/02/2019, are in there. Really, everything should be in there.
    Here is the list of all genres used (using latest MAME genres as a template) :
    Adventure Ball & Paddle / Breakout Casino Driving / Boat Driving / Race (chase view) Driving / Race 1st Person Educational Fighter / 2D Fighter / 2.5D Fighter / Versus Maze Maze / Digging Maze / Shooter Large Multiplay Multiplay / Compilation Pinball Platform / Fighter Platform / Run Jump Platform / Shooter Puzzle Simulation Sports / Bowling Sports / Misc. Sports / Skiing Sports / Soccer Sports / Tennis Sports / Track & Field Shooter / 1st Person Shooter / Flying 1st Person Shooter / Flying Horizontal Shooter / Flying Vertical Shooter / Driving Horizontal Shooter / Gallery Strategy Tabletop  
    100 0
  4. Tomy Tutor HyperBase Database (Official)
    Completed to 2.0 standards - including all metadata, and games as per the official guidelines.   Development Thread - 
    51 0
  5. Jupiter Ace database using updated standards.
    63 0

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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