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Main Menu Themes

18 files

  1. ROMs.pc2
    AHK RetroArch:
    MSystem :=["Benesse Pocket Challenge V2"]
    RLLog.Debug("Module - Started building the " . MEmu . " object")
        ( LTrim
    Benesse Pocket Challenge V2|LibRetro_BPC2|mednafen_wswan_libretro
    93 0
  2. 152 1
  3. 93 0
  4. Quadplay video & wheel X2 (Main Menu and Subwheel) https://c5d6e7.debrid.it/dl/34ng2uu3103/quadplay.rar
    129 4
  5. La SupaBoy est une console portable d'Hyperkin, pouvant être branchée à une télévision via la sortie AV, et présentant la particularité de pouvoir lire les cartouches de la Super Nintendo. La console n'est actuellement disponible qu'aux États-Unis, bien que le site Internet CVG laisse à penser qu'une version européenne est probable.
    339 5
  6. 27 0
  7. Alternate Themes and Artwork for floatingyedi's set up.
    If anyone has 3D box art to share, it would be greatly appreciated. 
    115 1
  8. Thanks again Floatingyeti for this totally unknown system.
    I have updated the main menu and default, using Floatingyeti's pointer, artwork3, videos and wheel.
    I hope you like the updated media.

    Nuevamente, gracias Floatingyeti por este sistema totalmente desconocido.
    He actualizado el main menu y default, utilizando el pointer, artwork3, videos y wheel de Floatingyeti.
    Espero que os guste la media actualizada.
    59 0
  9. Sistema Tronica, toda la media es nueva, themes basados en las cajas de las máquinas electrónicas, wheel personalizada basada en la real, captura de videos, y artworks de mame personalizados con la temática, logo sistema y nombre de juego.

    187 0
  10. Media con algunos arreglos basada en sistema de Floatingyeti.
    107 0
  11. Konami Handheld Main Menu and Bezel
    52 0
  12. Tiger Handheld Main Menu and Bezel
    62 0
  13. Thème du Menu Principal par moi-même
    Molette du Menu Principal idem

    70 0
  14. Main Menu Theme of PVP2 Slim Station.
    77 3
  15. Main Menu Theme, Default Theme, Pointer and wheel Konami Handheld
    357 1
  16. Electronic Games 4:3 MAIN MENU  MADrigal's Tribute 
    Obliviously the sprite are moving with background noise (mp3 inside)

    199 2
  17. Hi, I was bored, so I created this theme. I know that there is no emulator for the N-Gage yet, but I thought I would created this, why not.
    If anyone has the Gaelco main menu theme, can you please let me know where to find it in the comments.
    Thank you
    123 1
  18. Here ist my Electronic Handheld Games Main Menu Theme.
    Here you can see my
    in action. 
    I hope you like it.
    119 0

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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