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Game Themes (4:3)

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  1. Columns 3: Revenge of Columns (Mega Play) - mp_col3 - (MAME) (4:3)
    Everyone, there is no other searching themes from Columns 3 the Mega Play version.
  2. Psychic Force - psyforce (MAME) (4:3)
    No one searching this theme from Psychic Force.
  3. I'm not sure if this theme is officially missing or not, but here it is anyway. For those that aren't aware, this is the ultra-rare 2-player Ms. Pac-Man hack from Argentina that was added to MAME recently. And yeah, the green color for player 2 is - ahem - powerful. Don't blame me - that's her color in the game!
    As usual, I've included a large-format version of the new logo and the wheel is in the theme zip as well. Thanks again to Dazz for the background and video frame!
  4. I thought I'd create a dedicated theme and logo for the absurdly fun Ms. Pac-Man speedup hack, to make it appear different than vanilla Ms. Pac-Man in my setup (and to reflect how absurdly fast the game plays, too!) I've included a massive version of the logo, as well as the proper video snap for the game, since the video was difficult to track down. And of course, the new wheel is in the theme zip as usual. Thanks to Dazz for the background and video frame!
  5. Trivial Pursuit theme 5 of 5! I made a full unified set for the early 80s Bally/Sente game series. I created new logos for all 5 also, and the new wheel is in the theme zip as well.
  6. Trivial Pursuit theme 4 of 5! I made a full unified set for the early 80s Bally/Sente game series. I created new logos for all 5 also, and the new wheel is in the theme zip as well.
  7. Trivial Pursuit theme 3 of 5! I made a full unified set for the early 80s Bally/Sente game series. I created new logos for all 5 also, and the new wheel is in the theme zip as well.
  8. Trivial Pursuit theme 2 of 5! I made a full unified set for the early 80s Bally/Sente game series. I created new logos for all 5 also, and the new wheel is in the theme zip as well.
  9. Trivial Pursuit theme 1 of 5! I made a full unified set for the early 80s Bally/Sente game series. I created new logos for all 5 also, and the new wheel is in the theme zip as well.
  10. I thought I'd create a proper 4:3 theme for this fun puzzle game that featured the grid-perspective background from the game's cover art. I also added a better-quality logo. The new wheel is in the theme zip. Thanks to Mykillvee for the character artwork from his 16:9 theme!
  11. Vs. Tetris - vstetris (MAME) (4:3)
  12. Simple theme for a simple game! 🎱
  13. It's pretty rare for an unreleased prototype game to have completed cabinet artwork before being cancelled, and it's even more rare that the artwork finds its way onto the web, but happily, Marble Madness II is an exception!
  14. I've been wanting to do a logo-swap on this great theme for a long time. Strikers 1999 is the Japanese release, while Strikers 1945 III is the World release. I revised the video frame to match the World logo and relocated the Psikyo logo down into the clouds, just because it looks cool there. 😁
    The horizontal version of the Strikers 1945 III wheel is in the zip, if you prefer that over the square-format one.
  15. I liked what oscarino1 had going on in his theme for this game, but I thought I'd go Emeril on it and kick it up a notch. So, here's the remixed theme. I also tidied up the wheel. It's in the theme zip.
  16. This one started out as a simple logo-swap from ediwoop's SNES theme, but then I thought, "No... this classic game deserves the royal treatment." So, it's a whole new theme from top to bottom. I took the Capcom logo off the wheel because it looked weird among the other game wheels. I've included the new wheel in standard 400px-wide format as well as large-format in the theme zip for convenience.
  17. Another day, another Bomberman clone. I thought I'd do up a nice theme for this silly-but-very-fun game. I also tidied up the wheel image. It's included in the theme zip. Bombs away!
  18. Oh look! It's yet another game with no graphics available outside the game itself. (I'm seeing a pattern here... haha.) Oh, and don't get me started on the "flyer" for Fire Ball that's on the web. It was homemade by somebody and passed off as authentic material. Grrr.
    You know the drill by now, right? Create theme graphics from scratch in the spirit of Fire Ball's gameplay, include the assets along with the theme for the community's use, and include the new wheel image(s) in the theme zip. I've also included 2 versions of the logo to give people a choice - one with the bomb, and one without.
    Game on!
  19. Enjoy!
  20. Yet another game with no usable graphics outside of the game itself. (Yeah, I know there's a flyer out there, but it is just plain awful.) So, I went nuts for no apparent reason and made a fully animated theme with an absolute ton going on visually. It was fun to make, but I don't think I'll be spending several days on a theme again anytime soon. Haha. Enjoy this silly Frogger clone!
    As usual, the created-from-scratch assets are included, and the new wheel is in the theme zip.
  21. Enjoy!
  22. Cross another missing theme off the list! Like Magic Purple, Pitapat Puzzle has virtually no visual assets available outside of the game itself, so I created and recreated theme and wheel graphics in the spirit of its gameplay. I've included an assets zip file and two versions of the logo in large format. The recreated game wheel is in the theme zip. Game on!
  23. The existing theme I have for Shooting Master is so bad, whoever created it didn't put their name on it and didn't submit it to the site. It's basically like somebody sat on the flyer - its aspect is that far off 4:3. 😆
    So, I felt compelled to create one for this fun game. (I'm really terrible at playing it, but hey!)
  24. Another logo-swap for the completionists in the community. oscarino1 made a great theme, but the perfectionist in me wanted the official logo in the theme, so here you all go. 🙂
  25. No offense at all to mean6's fine theme work, but I just can't with the North American artwork's sex party vibe and dildo-shaped logo. (And now you can't unsee it too. You're welcome.) WTF was Konami thinking? 🤣
    So, here's another theme featuring the World release's excellent artwork, complete with matching wheel art in the zip. Enjoy!

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