Joshi Volleyball (josvolly) by Allumer/Taito
Blandia (blandia) by Allumer
Hola a todos, que alegría que la web haya regresado, soy Emmanuel Cabanelas, un diseñador gráfico de Argentina, espero sea de su agrado mi trabajo, saludos.
Agradecido por sus reaccciones, es la manera de conocer su opinión, saludos.
Hola a todos, que alegría que la web haya regresado, soy Emmanuel Cabanelas, un diseñador gráfico de Argentina, espero sea de su agrado mi trabajo, saludos.
Agradecido por sus reaccciones, es la manera de conocer su opinión, saludos.
Hola a todos, que alegría que la web haya regresado, soy Emmanuel Cabanelas, un diseñador gráfico de Argentina, espero sea de su agrado mi trabajo, saludos.
Agradecido por sus reaccciones, es la manera de conocer su opinión, saludos.
Wonder Boy Deluxe theme
Thanks to the original Artwork makers but I don't know your names so PM me to be credited.
You also need the video for the theme to look correct.
Large logo for your wheel also just re-size to your liking.
Wonder Boy theme which you can use for any of the Wonder Boy sets just re-name the zip file accordingly & apart from deluxe which i've done a similar theme.
Thanks to the original Artwork makers but I don't know your names so PM me to be credited.
You also need the video for the theme to look correct.
Large logo for your wheel also just re-size to your liking.
Game Theme of Forty-Love (bootleg)
Game Theme of Akazukin (Japan)
Game Theme of Altair II
Game Theme of Juuouki (set 3, Japan) (FD1094 317-0068)
Game Theme of Amerug (Shoei bootleg of Atari Football)
Game Theme of Athena
Game Theme of The New Crystal Maze Featuring Ocean Zone (v2.2) (MPU4 Video)
Game Theme of The Crystal Maze Team Challenge (v0.9) (MPU4 Video)
Game Theme of Prize Space Invaders (BWB INV1, 50p/30p Play, Version 1.2) (MPU4 Video)
Game Theme of Prize Tetris (BWB) (MPU4 Video)
Game Theme of Tetris Payout (BWB TET1 Version 2.2, set 1) (MPU4 Video)
Game Theme of Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU)
Game Theme of Victor Banana
GAme Theme of Waga Seishun no Arcadia
Game Theme of Warp-1 (Japan)
GAme Theme of Warp Speed (prototype)
Game Theme of Wanpaku Safari (J 981109 V1.000)
Game Theme of Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English, difficulty hack)