I Made an english logo for the theme & made some alterations.
Commando by CAPCOM
A mixture of themes put together so if you did any of the artwork PM me & i'll add a credit for you.
A nice wheel art included.
I would like the logo to repeat so if you can help PM me. Thanks
Mortal Kombat II - (mk2) (MAME)
All in one
Street Fighter iii 3rd Strike - (sfiii3nr1) (MAME)
HD Ultimate Mortal kombat 3 (umk3) MAME
All in one
Theme particle+Video mp4+Wheel
Super gem fighter mix - (sgemf) (MAME)
killer instinct - (kinst) (MAME)
Thanks to Aabra for creating this theme, I have just replaced with high quality logo a different video border & added some movement plus slightly moved the video & logo down.
If I have missed you in the credits please let us know. Thanks
Theme, Video and Wheel of gnw_dkhockey...
Theme, Video and Wheel of gnw_popeyep...
Theme, Video and Wheel of gnw_dkong3...
Alien Sector - aliensec-oscarino1(20200601)Mame
1941 Counter Attack USA - 1941u-oscarino1(20200608)MAME
Animated theme for Space Raider from Universal 1982.
Wheel logo included.
Theme, Wheel and Video of Snoopy Panorama Screen (gnw_snoopyp)
Animated theme for Wall St from Century Electronics 1982.
Wheel logo included.
Animated theme for Atari Soccer from Atari 1979.
Wheel logo included.
Animated theme for Woodpecker from Amenip 1981.
Wheel logo image included.
Animated theme for Xyonix from Philko Corporation 1989.
Wheel image included.
Animated theme for Cops N' Robbers from Atari 1976.
Animated theme for Commando from Sega 1983 .
Also game logo for wheel.
Animated theme for Cart Fury Championship Racing from Midway Games 2000.
Cobra-Command - cobracom-oscarino1(20200416)Mame
Calipso - calipso-oscarino1(20200414)Mame
Bosconian (Old Version) - boscoo-oscarino1(20200404) mame