Game Theme of Tsurikko Penta
Game Theme of Tora Tora (prototype?)
Super Strike Bowlin (sstrike) by Incredible Technologies
Strata Bowling (stratab) by Incredible Technologies
Poker Dice (pokrdice) by Incredible Technologies
Pairs Redemption (pairsred) by Incredible Technologies
Pairs (pairs) by Incredible Technologies
Hot Shots Tennis (hstennis) by Incredible Technologies
Golden Tee Golf (gtg) by Incredible Technologies
Remake of theme by Darwin1995
Golden Tee Fore! (gtfore01) by Incredible Technologies (16:9)
Remake of the theme by thintwowin
Golden Tee Classic (gtclassc) by Incredible Technologies (16:9)
Remake of the theme by StormShadow
Golden Tee 3D Golf (gt3d) by Incredible Technologies (16:9)
Remake of the theme by Mykillvee
Golden Tee 2K (gt2k) by Incredible Technologies
Remake of the theme by StormShadow
Golden Tee '99 (gt99) by Incredible Technologies
Remake of the theme by StormShadow
Golden Tee '98 (gt98) by Incredible Technologies
Adaptation from theme by StormShadow
Golden Tee '97 (gt97) by Incredible Technologies (16:9)
Golden Par Golf (gpgolf) by Incredible Technologies
Carnival King (carnking) by Incredible Technologies
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (bbh2sp) by Incredible Technologies
Big Buck Hunter Call of the Wild (bbhcotw) by Incredible Technologies
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (bbhsca) by Incredible Technologies
Big Buck Hunter (bbh) by Incredible Technologies
Arlington Horse Racing (arlingtn) by Incredible Technologies
Gaia The Last Choice Of Earth ( gaialast ) 16:9 ( MAME )
Taken The Theme By: mikehyrus & Changed around slightly plus altered the logo to actual look like the actual games logo & the actual words that was wrong.
16:9 Theme + Wheel