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This is my best effort in displaying system information within hyperspin (the one truely missing feature as you know)


If you want to use the weather display within the main menu, be sure to drop and unzip the "dark13" folder in the root folder of hyperspin. You'll need to change weather location however in the XML file located in that dark13 folder. All credits go to dark13 there for that amazing feature. You can read more here http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/11276-tut-creating-a-flash-clock-for-themes/?hl=clock however you just need to change the "number" in that xml file to match your location which you can find your location here https://weather.yahoo.com/

**************Instructions to "install"*******************************

1.Decide if you want ps buttons at the bottom center OR xbox buttons at the bottom center of your "theme". You can find the special art b1 files in the "controller buttons" folder.
Copy the swf file of your choice and drop the file in EACH of your media>System NAME>Images>Special folder

2.Next you need the genre art. Open the "genre art" folder and copy all those files and drop them in EACH of your media>system name>images>special folder

3.Next you need the special art a1 files which is the system information fanciness. This lays on top of your themes so it gives you that flexibilty to continue to update your themes! Open the "special a1" folder
and go to the system of your choice. Copy the "speciala1" file and drop it in the corresponding media>system name>images>special folder

4.Now you should have speciala1, specialb1 and genre art located in your special folder. You dont have to do any renaming!

5. Finally, you just need things to be in the correct "location" so we need to adjust the ini settings for special art A, B, and C. These settings are perfect for me but you may need different settings based on your set up.
Backup your hyperspin>settings folder now

6. Now open the systemname ini found at hyperspin>settings. You will already see settings in here by default but we need to change A, B, and C part near the bottom of the file to the following and then your done

[special Art A]
x = 512
y = 384
in = .4
out = .4
length = 3
delay = .1
type =normal
start =none

[special Art B]
x = 512
y = 384
in = .4
out = .4
length = 3
delay = .1
type =fade
start =none

[special Art C]

************Missing a system? Create your own! Here is how*************

1.Go to http://cooltext.com/Edit-Logo?LogoID=1449640995&1449640995_Gradient2=Dark 1

2.By default its in the glossy logo, set the text size to 30 in the first tab.
Then click the second tab named logo. In the first text gradient select Crown molding.
In the second text gradient select Dark 1.
Choose outline thickness of 3

3. go back to the first tab and type in your system. Press enter in front of the text a few times to change the shadow effect. I like the shadow around 7or 8 returns

4. Right click the text that you created and copy it to get your "asset" you will be using for your template.

5. Open the layers.pdn file found in the asset folder and open it using pain.net. The text sections in the top left and bottom right are in layer 5
Layers.pdn was used to create the system specials. The file named home.pdn is used for the main menu special

6. Save your file as a png then we need to save the file as an swf file

7. open the swf special a1 file (either the main menu one OR the system file you are wanting to change). I use the program Sothink swf decompiler and you will see in the export viewer the layers of the file.
Click the + to view the layers and click the + next to the image folder. Next right click Image 1 and click edit. Now at the bottom of the screen under the edit path field, click the folder and select the png file that you made
Finally Press save to save the swf file and there you have it. awesome sauce

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