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Mame .174 64bit + NoNag + Hi-score + Forced Directinput 174

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About This File

64bit MAME 174 patched with no-nag, no white windows, hi-score and forced direct input. Key items with this release:


I promised an emailer earlier that I would put this out, and if I say I'm going to do it...it's gonna happen. So here it is. PLEASE stop asking for x86 versions, MAMEUIFX, etc. My rig doesn't use either one, so I don't compile them. Not being a jerk (at least, not deliberately).


The good news:
I don't THINK you need to update your file structure with this release. So you should be able to just overwrite your MAME 173 with the attached .exe and you're off and running. If you're upgrading from 172 or prior, do a full install from the MAME DEV website, then the overwrite the main program with the attached .exe. You might want to back up your mame.ini file and generate a new one, as the nonag diff used for 174 is much more integrated and KISS than ever before. EDIT - Skipgameinfo needs to be set to "1" in the mame.ini for all messages to be suppressed. The nonag allows you to keep the gameinfo if you still want it, but removes the "click OK or go LR" dialogue.


The bad news?:
On a minor note, the HLSL programming has changed, AGAIN. So the video settings you tweaked for hours to get "just right" might not look exactly the way they did in 173. The description of the changes was accidentally left out of the "whatsnew" file for this version, but can be seen at the very bottom of the Change Log below. Apparently one of the devs forgot to update that part of the .txt file when it was sent out to the dev team 2 days prior to release date. Not saying the changes are bad - it's just that your screen might not look exactly the same as it did in 173. If you're using 172 or earlier, you should already know the new file structure has completely changed the way HLSL settings are handled. Read my 172 or 173 download descriptions for more details on that.


6/8/2016 - IMPORTANT EDIT - The post.fx file in this release had an error that has since been corrected in the .git. Not my fault - it was part of the 174 source. MAME devs have since corrected the error and uploaded it to github. But if you don't want to wait for 175, I've already gotten it for you. It's now included as a second attachment - just overwrite the 174 post.fx file in the HLSL directory with this one and you're GTG.


On a major note...
Oh I'll just come out and say it... Who really cares about this release? It's not faster. If anything, the restructuring of the drivers, carts, etc continues to slow down the emulation. YES, I KNOW IT'S MORE ACCURATE TO THE WAY THE REAL HARDWARE WORKS. But when you just want to play the games do you really care?


And what's new? MINOR bug fixes. Yet another incredibly-obscure title that now works on the Tiger Game handheld MESS emu and some improvements to the Apple 2 driver? More clones added? The improvement to Golden Tee Fore is notable, but it's really just a fix from the break that occurred from 172 to 173. The better support for DirectInput 8 is great and appreciated, but if your rig already works you don't care about this.


The work on the MAME project is vast, requiring hundreds, perhaps thousands, of man-hours to produce. And to think of how far it's come in the last few years...astonishing. As a simple end-user, I am humbled and grateful to the MAME dev team. But guys...how about fixing Sega Model 1? Virtua Fighter is still broken. YEAH, IT RUNS, but look at it - shameful. HydroThunder? Or get Sammy Atomiswave / Naomi / Sega Model 2 to play at full speed? Who doesn't love some Capcom VS SNK? MetalliC over at Demul has done an EXCELLENT job with some of these. And Bart and Ian dev-ing Sega Model 3 over at SuperModel continue to pioneer development in the true spirit of bringing old games back to life.


I told my emailer I wouldn't rant on this post, but it has to be said. This compile works great, so feel free to use it. And if you're using 173 already, I guess there's really no reason not to upgrade aside from the potential HLSL issues and romset updating. But personally, I'm still using 172 and couldn't be happier.

What's New in Version 174


  • 0.174
  • -------
  • MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
  • ----------------------
  • - 03753: [Crash/Freeze] (psikyosh.c) daraku: [debug] Assert in debug build (Tourniquet)
  • - 06209: [Core] Window is always on top after ALT+ENTER from Full Screen in Direct3D (Jezze)
  • - 06218: [Sound] (holeland.c) holeland: Missing speech synthesis chip (system11)
  • - 05932: [Interface] Joysticks Using PPJOY Driver Do not work anymore (Quench)
  • - 01617: [Graphics] (segag80v.c) elim2, zektor: Missing left graphics line from the boarder. (Olivier Galibert)
  • - 06169: [DIP/Input] (ninjaw.c) ninjawu: Credit count is wrong on coin slot 2 (Osso)
  • - 05871: [Crash/Freeze] (pacman.c) puckman: Double-free starting up puckman when using -mt (Robbbert)
  • - 05831: [Crash/Freeze] all: mame hangs when command bench is higher than 299 (Robbbert)
  • - 06206: [Crash/Freeze] (astrafr.c) Most sets in astrafr.c: Crash/Exception at Initialization (Robbbert)
  • - 04935: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (jailbrek.c) jailbrek and clones: Offset right 1/2 Screen when Flip Screen is on (Osso)
  • - 04920: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (esd16.c) multchmp, multchmpk: Flip Screen contents need proper mirroring (Osso)
  • - 04912: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (dblewing.c) dblewing: Flip Screen offset down + "Split" sprites (Osso)
  • - 06190: [Color/Palette] (iteagle.c) Most sets in iteagle.c: Palette changes when using machines with MIPS DRC (Carl)
  • - 06188: [Documentation] (1942.c) 1942h: Year should be 1991 (Tafoid)
  • - 06198: [Crash/Freeze] (advision.c) advision: If launched without a cartridge image, MAME crashes (AJR)
  • - 06189: [Misc.] (trs80.c) All sets in trs80.cpp: Current disk emu supports only SSSD ! (Robbbert)
  • Source Changes
  • --------------
  • -chdman.cpp: fix for code that expects to be able to dereference a
  • pointer that it knows may be null [Vas Crabb]
  • -redumped Atomiswave BIOS, confirmed good, added information
  • [Brizzo, MetalliC]
  • -screen: Add svg shapes pre-computation [O. Galibert]
  • -plugins/layout: layout embedded script helper plugin [Carl]
  • -h8: Add dtc, dma, watchdog (WIP) [O. Galibert]
  • -h8: Fixes, lots of [O. Galibert]
  • -cybiko: Make work a little emore, add v1 flash [O. Galibert]
  • -a5200: fixed regression when loading headerless carts from fullpath.
  • [Fabio Priuli]
  • -neogeo.cpp: huge clean up of the cartslot code in order to better
  • exploit slot devices: [Fabio Priuli]
  • * moved cart-specific components to the carts itself removing the
  • fake protection devices from the main system, since they never
  • belonged there
  • * removed hacky rom region destruction/construction when a new cart
  • is inserted, replacing it with proper bank pointers to the carts
  • (except for ymsnd and ymsnd.deltat region which will require
  • modernization of the ym devices)
  • * started re-organization of bootleg boards emulation, so to reduce
  • the need of collapsing everything into a single cart type with
  • multiple protection devices, more work is needed
  • -neopcb.cpp: moved to a separate source file the emulation for JAMMA
  • PCB versions of a few neogeo games, since they don't have a cartslot.
  • [Fabio Priuli]
  • -neogeo.xml: added information about Japanese titles and release dates
  • to the software list and aligned the list to the driver. [Fabio Priuli]
  • -cybiko: Remove the ram mirror, it hides when the code fails [O.Galibert]
  • -vector: Move clipping to avgdvg, the only user. Simplify [O. Galibert]
  • -nes.cpp: removed configuration settings to enforce sprite limit and to
  • turn off drawing of top/bottom 8 lines: the code to make these work
  • was removed before 0.106 and the option were doing nothing since then.
  • [Fabio Priuli]
  • -dumped program rom for Gigas (MC-8123, 317-5002) Gigas set, works now
  • [Corrado Tomaselli]
  • -Make watchdog timer a separate device [AJR]
  • -A few addition to A800 software lists [K1W1]
  • -megadrive: added custom X24C02 emulation to NBA Jam cart, making
  • finally possible to save records at exit. Hopefully, this will help
  • finding the problem in our core emulation. [Fabio Priuli]
  • -Sonik Fighter (encrypted): Decrypted the program, changed the game
  • description adding version, and corrected year. [Roberto Fresca]
  • -megatech: updated to use fixed slot config. [Fabio Priuli]
  • -skns: add the Korean modbios [system11]
  • -dumped Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 1/2 card reader-printer firmware
  • [winteriscoming]
  • -dumped Initial D card reader-printer firmware [Smitdogg]
  • -NetBSD fix, from pull request #852 [Thomas Klausner]
  • -sv8000.cpp: inputs are more appropriate as IPT_KEYPAD. [Fabio Priuli]
  • -model1.cpp: Some modernization and cleanup. [Ryan Holtz]
  • -Update to LZMA 16.0 [Vas Crabb]
  • -metlfrzr encryption is the same as cshooter.cpp [Peter Wilhelmsen]
  • -metlfrzr.cpp [Angelo Salese]
  • * Added IRQ, ROM banking and base color
  • * Fixed decrypted opcodes hookup
  • * Preliminary T5182 hookup
  • * Added base sprites
  • * Fixed sound comms (reversed semaphore access wrt darkmist), coins and
  • sound now fully working
  • * DIPs are still not fully functional - but the game operates/plays fine
  • -New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines improvements
  • [Roberto Fresca]
  • * Proper inputs. DIP switches: Coin A settings, Key In default (W-4 / Witch Bonus)
  • * Player 2: not supported by game (W-4 / Witch Bonus)
  • * Created/added new layout for 1 player only (set 3, W-4 / Witch Bonus)
  • * Fixed parent/clone relationship (all sets)
  • -Added game versions to IGS Champion League sets. [Roberto Fresca]
  • -Flaming 7 improvements [Roberto Fresca]
  • * Added more descriptive notes and boot instructions.
  • * Documented some wire hacks and the DS2401 sillicon serial number device.
  • * Name convention. Change the set name according with the two custom graphics
  • sets.
  • * Added proper machine driver and memory map.
  • * Added D-Up, Take, Bet, Start, Main Door switch, Logic Door switch,
  • Cash Door switch, Coin A, Coin B, Coin C, Reset, Stats/Setup, and GFX
  • selectable DIP switches.
  • * Stats/Setup needs PORT_TOGGLE.
  • * Maximum Bet, Reels Speed, Payout Type, Coin-In Timeout DIP switches.
  • * Key In input.
  • * Identified Button Lockout input, all the Holds, Big, Low.
  • * Identified all the Coin-In and Change lines, WT RXD & COUT RTS lines.
  • Added other active lines.
  • * Marked as unknown the $d801 port lines. They seem unused.
  • * Marked as unknown also the $d802 port lines.
  • * Standardization of all active inputs.
  • * PORT_DIPLOCATION for the first bank of DIP switches.
  • * Second DIP switches bank: Coin A coinage, Coin B coinage and Credits per
  • Bill, plus diplocations.
  • * Third DIP switches bank: Denomination and Progressive Sign, plus
  • diplocations.
  • * 4th DIP switches bank: Button Lockout and Lockout Polarity, Printer
  • Type, plus diplocations. Added notes about 1 active line.
  • * Unknown DIP switches and diplocations.
  • -Continuing work to move object initialization from start to
  • constructor. Removed family_t. All of this can be determined at
  • runtime from object as well. As part of this, the "template" to write
  • devices has changed. Converted a number of devices to use the new
  • template. [Couriersud]
  • -All netlist devices now follow new syntax. Removed dead code. All sub
  • devices are now forced to be initialized in the constructor. Device
  • setup now completely in constructor. Removed start call. [Couriersud]
  • -apple2c updates: [R. Belmont]
  • * Writing to VBLDIS also lowers the VBL IRQ if it's active
  • * Support for "Mockingboard4C" add-on by request of French Touch
  • -Change SMS/GG master clocks to match service manuals. [Enik]
  • -Fix TH handling and audio control of the SMSJ, based on Charles' findings. [Enik]
  • -ti99: New per-chip system ROMs; fixed gromemu and mbx cartridge types,
  • multi-cart extender now allows cartridge switch without emulator reset
  • [Michael Zapf]
  • -Corrected ROM filenames for holeland.zip, enabled SPO256 to resolve missing
  • speech, verified and measures all the clocks - updated comments at the top
  • re: remaining priority issue. Fixed MT Bug #06218 [system11, Osso]
  • -unixpc: switched to bankdev, started filling out the skeleton [R. Belmont]
  • -gamecom: all but 2 games are now working [Robbbert]
  • -pockchal: renamed the system to "Pocket Challenge W" as documented on
  • Jpn Wikipedia, renamed accordingly the software list [Fabio Priuli]
  • -Added software list for Saturn Video CD carts, to preserve dumps made
  • by zyrobs in 2013/2014. The carts cannot currently be used in the
  • driver, but at least dumps won't be lost. [Fabio Priuli]
  • -aristmk6.cpp: Added proper descriptions to most sets and removed a few
  • duplicated sets. [Heihachi_73]
  • -pockchalw.xml: added more dumps [TeamEurope]
  • -pockchalw.xml: added proper info and PCB documentation (the latter
  • courtesy of TeamEurope pictures) [Fabio Priuli]
  • -gameking.xml: Added six new dumps. [TeamEurope]
  • -spc1500.cpp: added a cassette software list with some images, courtesy
  • of Anna Wu [Fabio Priuli]
  • -Added tons of Thomson software to softlists. [Reagan Roush]
  • -apple2: update software list to include 4am clean cracks A-L as of
  • Sep. 2015 [R. Belmont, B2K24]
  • -gameboy.xml: Finally started documenting Game Boy PCBs, based on
  • no-intro and Tauwasser's pictures [Fabio Priuli]
  • -gba.cpp: Added preliminary support for the 3D Matrix Memory Controller
  • used by 64MB video cartridges. Disney Collection 2 works, while other
  • dumps still fail (possibly due to reason unrelated to the mapper
  • emulation...) [Fabio Priuli]
  • -emumem: Get rid of the install_* return value [O. Galibert]
  • -UML: Added TZCNT instruction (Trailing Zero Count) [Ville Linde]
  • -ti99_cart: Updated softlist to per-chip dumps; removed some broken dumps
  • [Michael Zapf]
  • -r9751.xml: Add CBX 9005.2.79 software [Brandon Munger]
  • -r9751: Fix race condition in PDC device. Multi disk load now possible.
  • [Brandon Munger]
  • -DirectInput8: Correct joystick polling methods to better support older
  • joysticks which previously only worked with DirectInput7 [Quench]
  • New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
  • ------------------------------------------------------
  • Metal Freezer [Arcade Addict, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Angelo Salese]
  • Crossed Swords 2 (bootleg of CD version) [David Haywood]
  • Math Marvel [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • Iowa Premium Player (2131-21, U5-1) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
  • Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (bootleg of CD version) [Robbbert]
  • New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
  • ----------------------------------------------------
  • X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 961023)
  • Extermination (US, Romstar) [farzeno]
  • The J.League 1994 (Japan, Rev A) [Alex Cmaylo]
  • Pit Fighter Rev 2 [R. Coltrane, Lord Nightmare, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
  • Triki Triki (Lover Boy bootleg) [Rafael Alonso (from ARCADE VINTAGE)]
  • Street Fight (Germany - Benelux) [caius]
  • Mercenario (Commando bootleg) [Rockman]
  • Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 040202) [ShouTime]
  • Champion League (v220I, dual program, set 1) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
  • Champion League (v220I, dual program, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
  • Holeland (set 2) [AUMAP]
  • New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • Shogun Warriors (Korea?) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz, The Dumping Union]
  • Rage of the Dragons (NGH-2640?)
  • New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
  • ----------------------------------
  • Force Computers ISCSI-1 VME board [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
  • Master's Golf [MooglyGuy, ShouTime]
  • Microbee Premium Plus [Robbbert]
  • IBM3153 Terminal [Robbbert]
  • Road Burners (ver 1.04) [ShouTime]
  • Flaming 7 - Hollywood Nights [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
  • Sharp PC-G815 [Robbbert]
  • Electronic Battleship [hap, Sean Riddle]
  • House of the Dead 4 (Export) (Rev B) [Layer]
  • Notable New WORKING software list additions
  • -------------------------------------------
  • pce_tourvision.xml: Cyber Core, Download, Vigilante [system11]
  • nes.xml: Venice Beach Volleyball (Gluk Video) [sewave]
  • nes.xml: Happily Ever After [Sean McGee, NintendoPlayer]
  • megadriv.xml: Sega Channel (Jpn), two revisions [Kiddo Cabbusses, RetroJunkie]
  • m5_cart.xml: Dream Shopper [Ola Andersson]
  • Normalized vector attenuation settings
  • - vector_length_ratio is now independent from screen size
  • - changed vector_length_ratio range from [0.0, 1000.0] to [0.0, 1.0]
  • - updated display name and description of vector_length_scale and vector_length_ratio
  • Fixed bloom target size for vector screens in full-screen mode
  • - this also improves the performance slightly
  • Fixed half pixel offset of vectors in D3D
  • - appearance should be identical to GDI and BGFX with default settings
  • Fixed half texel offset of 'source' shadow mask tile mode
  • Equalized options of HLSL and BGFX HLSL chain
  • - removed POT texture size from shadow mask in HLSL, U/V size is now simply the percentage of the actual texture size
  • - adjusted display names of options

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