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8 Screenshots

About This File

I put a surprising amount of work into this, for as small as the actual game library is. But it's done, and worthy of the label 'Ultimate.'

It's worth noting that this system has game themes for every single game, except Sangokushi IV. I wanted to include them somehow, but at the same time, I also liked my default theme quite a bit. So the way I handled it, and this involves some shenanigans and is complicated, is I made duplicate entries in the database, put a "1" in front of the game name, and disabled all of them. This is so that if you select a game from the "theme" wheel, the info like year, publisher, genre, etc. will still work with your RocketLauncher fades.

What this means for you is, in order to have a functional "theme" wheel, you will need to copy all of your ROMs and put a 1 in front of the name. e.g., "NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World)" becomes "1NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World)".

All of the media is already doubled up already as well, and I went ahead and included all the videos, so all you literally have to do is what I just described.

In hindsight, it would have been more efficient to double up the game names as, e.g.,  "NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World) - copy", that way all you would have had to do was open up your ROMs directory, press control+A, control+C, control+V, and you'd be done.

But whatever, it's done on my end already, and it won't hurt you to engage in some tediousness, I certainly have. :)

After uploading everything I also decided that I hated the wheel for NBA Jam Tournament Edition (World). Note that is a separate upload. Just drag and drop it over your existing one if you like the new one better.

This pack has full media for everything - box backs, fronts, 3D box, cartridge art, game wheel, publisher wheel, genre wheel, years, rating, and a few custom wheels, like 32X Exclusives, Two Players, and Multiplayer.

I also fact checked every single field for the entire database, and made a number of changes for accuracy.


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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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