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Broken Sword 2.5 The Return of the Templars is an unofficial part of the Broken Sword series. It is a game created by fans to explain what happens during the time between Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror and Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon. This fan game was originally released in German but an English voice pack was released during 2010 making the game available in both English and German. It is a short game that stays relatively true to the story and feeling of the series. As can be expected by a game created by hardcore fans of the game. The game is a freeware windows game and can be downloaded by anyone for free. The game was developed and released by german company MindFactory. The game took an entire eight years to develop and the development started in the year 2000. The final product was released on 28 September 2008. The game was an response to the gap in the story that fans see between the second and third game.


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