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About This File

This is the official Hyperlist database, cleaned up heavily by myself over four days. It is worth noting for anyone who has downloaded my 'Ultimate SNES' pack that this new database will completely break functionality for that. But, 'Ultimate SNES v2' is in the works, so keep that in mind.

Quick list of changes:

1. A more pedantic naming scheme for games. E.g. "Eye of the Beholder" becomes "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder"

2. Game name on the box gets priority over the title screen. E.g. "Sporting News Power Baseball, The" becomes "Sporting News Baseball, The."  "Ultima VII - The Black Gate" becomes "Ultima - The Black Gate." 

3. Blatant errors.

4. Liberties that were taken in naming that I felt should not have been taken, if any. Again the game name on the box is gospel (with the notable exception of 'Mr. Bloopy Saves the World.' The box misprinted the name as Mr. Bloppy.)

5. ESRB ratings added for all games 1994-present. I checked authentic ebay photos for every single game, as prior to my work, there wasn't a single reliable source for this data, at least that I could find. K-A (Kids to Adults) chosen if the game was released with that rating first, then re-released later with E (Everyone). Some games were initially released with no rating, then released later with E. So for those games, the E rating stays. ELSPA was supposedly around, but I could not find a single PAL SNES box or cartridge with any rating information on it. So I didn't bother adding ratings for the 43 post 1994 Europe games.

6. Very accurate (~98%) publisher data, with publisher named pedantically after the label they used on the actual box, with a few judgement calls by myself. A huge step up from before.

7. A very accurate 'Shoot'em-up' genre now exists, Before, all games were classified as 'shooter.'

8. A new HyperSpin rating has been created - HSRS - EC (Early Childhood). This was inspired by the ESRB rating of the same name, so that HyperSpin users can identify games for their kids to play on their favorite systems. Thanks to @Kondorito for providing new artwork. For people who use RocketLauncher fades, the new rating will be included with future versions by default. In the meantime, I'll upload it here. So far, I've only identifed one game to give the rating to - Math Blaster Episode 1. Future versions of this database may have more.

9. A handful of games that I was able to easily identify were given HyperSpin Rating System ratings. I didn't feel comfortable rating every single unrated game personally, I simply rated ones that were obvvious (e.g. a game would have a recommended age group right on the box, prior to ESRB)

10. Description names have colons (:) instead of hyphens, for a more professional look.

I decided against putting a lot of time and effort into date checking. To do so accurately (my own standards) is too much work, and yields too little benefit. I made it a point to research a game when a conflict arose, and that's that.

If you find any errors in this database, no matter how small, please bring them to my attention so that I can fix them. I want this database to be the best it can be.

I've made an official thread for this - you can find it here: 


What's New in Version 1.2.3


1.0.1 - Forgot something very minor.

1.0.2 - Fixed a stupid mistake.

1.1.0 - More pedantic name changes, some error fixes. If you're annoyed by updates (who isn't), you should hold off, as I plan on giving this database a final run through in the near future.

1.2 - 9/13/17 - Changed 'Beavis and Butthead (USA)' to 'MTV's Beavis and Butthead (USA),' and 'Civilization (USA)' to 'Sid Meier's Civilization (USA). Fixed a couple of 1993 dated games to 1994, and added missing ESRB ratings to them (Wario's Woods and Ogre Battle). More tweaks to the publisher field - I made it a point to include every name that was printed on a box - so if the developer of a game was on the box, it went in the field in the format developer/publisher.

Currently there are no plans to add developer data for every single game. The problem is, there's only one field - and sometimes there are up to five different companies associated with a game. It would become ridiculous to try to include everything. I may have a change of heart in the future but for now, I am quite happy with simply having *accurate* information - the publisher (the name on the box) is present for every single game.

I have compiled what I believe to be the most accurate two player and multiplayer lists on the internet, and I have included them as downloadable xml lists that you can download and implement into your 'genres' list if you choose. Or, you can just download my 'genres.zip' file I've included, and drag and drop all the files into your database folder - I've already done all the work.

I have also taken the time to compile an 'SNES Exclusives' and an 'SNES-GBA-GB-GBC Exclusives' list.
The SNES Exclusives list was compiled primarily with Wikipedia data, so I make no claims for accuracy. I wanted 'something,' however I'm burnt out from doing the two player and multi player lists and that's that. I also took a few liberties - Secret of Mana was thrown in the SNES exclusives list. I don't care that they're remaking it for the current next-gen systems, that game belongs in that list. Also, any 'Virtual Console' re-released games that would have otherwise been 'SNES exclusive' are in the list. All Virtual Console is, is a Nintendo-approved emulator of SNES ROMs - and if I had to guess, they probably downloaded them off the internet just like you did. :)

The 'SNES-GBA-GB-GBC Exclusives' list are games that, as far as I'm concerned are still SNES exclusive games, but since Nintendo made carbon copies for GBA, or inferior ports for GB or GBC, I felt obligated to separate these. If you prefer, just merge the two lists together and don't worry about such trivial matters. That's totally up to you. :)

I'm not going to claim this is 'final' but I'm reasonably happy with it, and barring unforeseen circumstances, I'm done tinkering with it for the time being.

1.2.1 - Only changes to the 'genres.zip' - specifically, added Lord of the Rings to 'Two Players' and 'Multiplayer,' and WWF Raw, Barkley Shut Up and Jam, and Super Ice Hockey to 'Multiplayer.'

1.2.2 - Mislabelled Madden 94-98 as Two Player only games. That's fixed, they're now in the 'Two Players' and 'Multiplayer' xml.

1.2.3 - Added Super FX XML and SNES Mouse XML to 'Genres.zip', and SNES Multitap XML (regular Multiplayer includes non-multitap games), to further refine how you filter your games. 
All of the standalone downloads are already included in the 'Genres.zip' file.

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  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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