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About This File

I did some work on this database a while go, and I had big plans - I was going to have a 'players' field, a 'developer' field, and all kinds of other stuff. But I've scrapped that, because HyperSpin in it's current state can't even utilize any of these fields. Instead, I've opted to create custom XMLs. At the moment, I have a 'Two Players' and 'Multiplayer' XML finished - and they are quite accurate, as I compiled the data directly from the backs of the boxes, that clearlly state how many players the game has. Please note that this is for *english games only*. I found the Japanese games too frustrating to navigate menus, and I don't like compiling data from 3rd party sources, so that's that.

Otherwise, hyphens have been replaced with colons in the description field. The manufacturer field now accurately reflects the name of the publisher. It makes no sense to have the name of some obscure, uncredited developer as the name in the description, when we have nice box arts that clearly tell you who published the game. The publisher should be the standard for all console/handheld systems, at least in this version of HyperSpin. An alternative of course is to put both - developer/publisher - and that's always an option. But at the least, the publisher should always be there.

Prior to my work, this database was very flawed in respect to the manufacturer field. Sometimes the developer was used, sometimes the publisher was used, sometimes the data was completely wrong.

Special thanks goes to JSinn for having a complete set of box backs for me to use to compile the data for the two player and multiplayer XMLs.

If you'd like to contribute to GameCube database development, please visit the following thread. 


What's New in Version 1.1


1.1 Changed European game ratings from ESRB to PEGI/ELSPA/UNK/HSRS. No game names were changed, and they will not be for this database. Added 'Exclusives' list.


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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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