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MAME, HAME, HAAA! :special:



- MAME 0.139 version (is not 0.139u1, for that is needed to compile).

- 7396 games (all working games, including mahjong, casino, quiz, etc).

- Description names respected (i.e., King of Fighters will appear like "The King of Fighters").

- Only excluded from the xml BIOS and non working games.

- Created Genres xml files that match 100% with this MAME 0.139 version (I did with the hope that someone someday will enable the genre feature in the Android version of HyperSpin).


A bit of blablabla...

I have on my own an Nvidia Shield TV and I was looking for an exactly and precise xml for MAME 0.139u1 (because mame4droid, the app in Android for MAME, use this version). Is MAME 0.139 like a Canon for Android? Humm, I don't know but that's seems, because after 8 years (MAME 0.139 was release is 2010) and 2 years of the app in Android, there still been using this version. I didn't know nothing about MAME, so I learned how MAME works. I couldn't create an exactly xml for MAME 0.139u1 because for that is neccesary compile MAME 0.139 with the source (that you can download from the official MAME site) and I don't know yet how to compile this "old" MAME version. At the end of the day, the most of the users don't go to compile nothing in their lives, and they will have the 0.139 version in theirs computers and not the 0.139u1 or others updates. If someone is looking for a perfect xml for 0.139u1, it's your lucky day, I did the hard work with this list, feel you free of download this xml and add thats extras of the 0.139u1 to the list.

Anyway, I could create an exactly xml for MAME 0.139 and that was what I did.


First of all, I downloaded the official Database for MAME from this HyperSpin site. After that, I created a xml with the tool "HyperROM2XML" and then I started to copy/paste the info, but I took special care, because I learned that in every MAME update there are some fixings like roms changing names. So what I did was install a gui version of MAME 0.139 to compare sometimes if the info was correct. I checked too in arcade database website if the info was correct with somes older roms (for example, Mega Tech doesn't exist in MAME 0.139, but appear like Mega Play). So yeah, this is an exactly xml for this version. Maybe can contain some errors, Im not perfect, shit happens. The xml should be revised and fixed if there are some errors (ejem..., honestly I think that no one have the balls to do that lol).

Enjoy! :D



If you use this MAME xml like a "master" in your HyperSpin installation (because you have all this 0.139 roms) and you want install "systems" like Capcom Classics, Data East, Irem Classics, etc., maybe you should consider the following:

This MAME 0.139 is older (but seems like a "Canon" for Android) and the official Databases that you will download from this HyperSpin site will have added more roms to their xml list. So, RocketLauncherUI will show you that you have missing roms.

In my installation I have two MAME´s in my HyperSpin wheel: MAME and MAME Android (this 0.139). Why I have this? Because im doing a dual boot HDD, for PC and Android.

Before I forget it, thanks to all the people that helped me to understand and modify the xml for Hyperpin, now im a xml god lol


Well that's all :rofl:

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Hi Peliculon

Hope you are still online and monitoring this thread. Its an old mame version but I still use it. Thanks for this really saves my time to compile. There is however one issue I can't resolve. In HyperHQ, when I click on Parent roms only, no game wheel pops up and hyperspin just hangs with a black screen. When I go back to HyperHQ and select Roms and uncheck parent, all my wheels with clones are shown. I just want parent roms, but just can't figure out why it does this! 

Any chance you know why this happens? 

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