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Singe Config File Editor 1.0.0

1 Screenshot

About This File


First, I am not a programmer or professional script writer - so please be kind. 

The purpose of this script is to edit the daphne-singe game config files that contain references to internally needed files so that they point to the right location.  

example:  .   The script will change

sprCursor  = spriteLoad("D:/Arcade/Games/American Laser Games/data/singe/crimepatrol/crosshaira.png")

to this:

sprCursor  = spriteLoad("I:/Emulators/Hyperspin/Games/American Laser Games/data/singe/crimepatrol/crosshaira.png")

The script can be run from the  base folder of the system name and it will search all subfolders.  Also, it creates a backup of the target file before making any changes.

Use at own risk.  I developed it because I got tired of having to manually edit the .singe files for each of the 'American Laser' and 'Wow Action Max' games.  Hopefully, it will help others.


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