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About This File

The themes were incredibly made by @Yardley,  you can download the original themes here:

I hope more people try to convert more often. General guidelines can be found here:

As mentioned in several posts, the new version of hyperspin will have 16: 9 themes support, so I've been spending my time "converting" them that is, leaving them with a more friendly face to their monitors.

All themes have undergone an overhaul, from background, ini's, how the theme is shown, artwork, etc.

I also included wheels for the system, these wheels are for the unified style, this will be further deepened in a future post, for now this will be included here as a preview. The setting to work it right is here:


The comparison with some themes (click to zoom):

I include a file named "Locomalito Conversion Notes.txt" it contains some information for those who are interested, which I have changed :)

I also include the incredible @ghostlost theme "Super Hydorah" but I did not change anything, if you can show appreciation to his theme here is the link:

Note: The resolution of the monitor should be 16:9.

You can find the games and support the dev's here:


and any suggestions are welcome:good:

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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