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3 Screenshots

About This File

I wasn't in the right mindset to make a setup today until I found this old (unreleased?) pc with literally one (partially working) game.

This is the kind of obscure system I like to work on!

I abbreviated the system name but if you want accuracy its: Mindset Corporation Mindset Personal Computer

But that's just silly.

Damn, did this suck!

I was going to make a proper theme for the single game but I only got as far as the logo from the boxart.

I hope the autoload save state works for everybody.

I was able to correct the screen position (Bios will not save settings) but it actually drifts during gameplay.

Yes, it takes that long to load!

No, you can't make a save state later!

Put this crap next to the Konix Multisystem.

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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