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About This File

Another system that nobody asked for and nobody needs!

An obscure Czechoslovakian computer from 1985.  Only five games for this one and they are all black and white Spectrum ports.  The games don't have sound (unless you count the horrible screeching of tape loading).  I'm not sure if these games actually have audio.  Mame lists audio as functional and the only gameplay videos I found on original hardware were without sound.

By default, all games load to Ondra BASIC and simply pressing Enter (start on controller) will begin the tape loading process.

But that's not good enough! There is a way to launch directly to the loaded tape for all but one game (Jet Set Willy)

The usual save state (autoload) method will not work, but the alternate autosave method will.

First create an ondrav.ini file.

RetroArch->Quick Menu->Options->Write Configuration

That will create RetroArch\system\mame\ini\ondrav.ini


Edit ondrav.ini to turn on autosave:

autosave                  1


Now every time you exit a game there is a save state created that will load when the game is launched.  This method is able store the entire contents of the tape within the save file and you will always resume the game from the moment you last exited.  Obviously, that's not the best solution if you want to load from the same point every time. Unless you make that file read-only

Autosave files are created in: RetroArch\saves\mame\states\ondrav

Each game will be given its own folder and an "auto.sta" file. After you exit a game the "auto.sta" is automatically saved.  You must adjust the properties of the file to be read-only before you launch the game again.

I have created and uploaded Autosaves for every game using 0.247 core.

If they don't automatically work for you, then you must create your own.

The timing must be correct to capture the full tape.

Here are the correct times to exit the games and successfully make autosaves

galaxian - Exit from title screen
jetpac - Exit on gameover screen
planetoi - Exit on title screen
psst - Exit on gameover screen

jetset - This game will not correctly save! Exit before loading a tape to create an autoload. The autoload will basically do nothing and you have to press Enter/start and manually load the tape every time.


I set Main CPU Overclock =150 on Galaxians and uploaded the galaxian.opt

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