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Microkey Primo 16 :9 (Hyperspin)

18 Games

Emulador Usado:Ultimo 1.53


Se trata de un ordenador de 8 bits húngaro nada menos. Se diseñó originalmente para ser usado en las escuelas, pero parece que tuvo algo de proyección fuera de ellas. Recordemos que en 1984 Hungría quedaba dentro del bloque comunista europeo, así que los ordenadores occidentales debieron llegar hasta allí con cuentagotas.

Mostraba gráficos en monocromo, aunque existen prototipos de una máquina posterior en color, el pro Primo.

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Thanks Espartano, great job ! Not being Hungarian I never heard of this system 😀

I have a few questions if you don't mind:

  • Do you have or have you created a module for this system ? 
  • Have you tried to launch games in Mame (I think there is a driver for it ) ?
  • You have chosen those 18 games because they were the only ones working or the best of them ? I can see on this page: http://primo.homeserver.hu/  that there are some more games available.

Sorry for all those questions, I am just wondering if it would be possible to create a complete setup based on your work. Ultimo can be launched via command line so it would be possible to launch the games with pclauncher if no module exist.

Many thanks again !



On 3/29/2023 at 12:44 PM, brudibru said:

Thanks Espartano, great job ! Not being Hungarian I never heard of this system 😀

I have a few questions if you don't mind:

  • Do you have or have you created a module for this system ? 
  • Have you tried to launch games in Mame (I think there is a driver for it ) ?
  • You have chosen those 18 games because they were the only ones working or the best of them ? I can see on this page: http://primo.homeserver.hu/  that there are some more games available.

Sorry for all those questions, I am just wondering if it would be possible to create a complete setup based on your work. Ultimo can be launched via command line so it would be possible to launch the games with pclauncher if no module exist.

Many thanks again !

Hello how are you? Thank you very much, I chose these 18 games because for me personally they are the best. indeed there is no module with which to launch the games with command lines through the PCi Launcher module


On 3/29/2023 at 12:44 PM, brudibru said:

Thanks Espartano, great job ! Not being Hungarian I never heard of this system 😀

I have a few questions if you don't mind:

  • Do you have or have you created a module for this system ? 
  • Have you tried to launch games in Mame (I think there is a driver for it ) ?
  • You have chosen those 18 games because they were the only ones working or the best of them ? I can see on this page: http://primo.homeserver.hu/  that there are some more games available.

Sorry for all those questions, I am just wondering if it would be possible to create a complete setup based on your work. Ultimo can be launched via command line so it would be possible to launch the games with pclauncher if no module exist.

Many thanks again !

 you should create a script like this whese the command lines :


#SingleInstance Force
run Ultimox64.exe "F:\Games\Sistemas\Microkey Primo\Roms\Armageddon.pri" 

Send {Alt down}{Enter}{Alt up}

Send !{f4}
Run,taskkill /im "Ultimox64.exe.exe" /F



Thanks a lot Espartano ! I will take a look at this later on and see what I can do.

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