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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.

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About This File

Apparently, this prototype was just released yesterday. Added it to my N64 wheel, thought I'd share my media.


Some info:

Few details are know about the Riqa project, another famous unseen for the Nintendo 64. Developed by Bits Studios, it was presented for the first time at E3 1999 in playable form. Defined as the “N64 Tomb Rider” as stated by Nintendo, Riqa would have dealt Third-Person Shooter Action mixed with exploration, with Riqa (the woman character controlled by the player) up against both humans and monsters. With impressive graphics for its time, an immersive storyline, complicated  levels full of action, including shootings and puzzles to solve, Riqa was going to be a new killer application for the N64. Unfortunately, the game has never seen light on the 64-bit, for the continuing delayed release dates, which led to the cancellation of the title. 

Riqa (USA) (Proto)2.png

Riqa (USA) (Proto)1.png

Riqa (USA) (Proto).png

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