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  1. Apparently, this prototype was just released yesterday. Added it to my N64 wheel, thought I'd share my media.
    Some info:
    Few details are know about the Riqa project, another famous unseen for the Nintendo 64. Developed by Bits Studios, it was presented for the first time at E3 1999 in playable form. Defined as the “N64 Tomb Rider” as stated by Nintendo, Riqa would have dealt Third-Person Shooter Action mixed with exploration, with Riqa (the woman character controlled by the player) up against both humans and monsters. With impressive graphics for its time, an immersive storyline, complicated  levels full of action, including shootings and puzzles to solve, Riqa was going to be a new killer application for the N64. Unfortunately, the game has never seen light on the 64-bit, for the continuing delayed release dates, which led to the cancellation of the title. 
    Riqa (USA) (Proto).mp4

  2. This is one of my favorite emulators i just thoight i would share a marquee set i had please like and let me know if you likes it or not thannks
    nintendo 64 marquee game list.txt
  3. For my personal use, use it if you like it
    N64 Wheel And Genre.rar
  4. Hi, Here is all my media for Nintendo 64 Japan. I attempted this before but now its complete.
    I went with the black-with-outline logo to differentiate between Japan and US/Euro. I got most of the wheels from the launchbox site, but I fixed some up. Most of the carts and boxes where done by me. About one third of the videos where recorded by me. I included alternatives for the main theme: The main has an Evangelion, the second is Asuka from Neon Genesis Evangelion and the third is Link.
    Emulator used is Project64. (You would need to add "Nintendo 64 Japan" to the module)
    Games: 89
  5. Bezel for Nintendo 64 (16:9) N64
    .png files .ini files SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Bezel

  6. I wanted to make this set since a long time (not only because I loved how we ended up doing the SNES real 3d box pack with SupraKarma, but because currently there is no standing 3d box pack with real spines for the Nintendo 64). This set contains all the USA releases, plus the Europe region locked ones.
    The majority of the scans and spines were grabbed from Nintandbox.net (awesome site for printing real Nintendo game boxes), the rest were grabbed from ebay sales and other Google sites. When no proper images were found for spines, I had to make them from scratch. Because of the type of sources, the size of the boxes ended up enormous
    Huge thanks to @SupraKarma, @adamg and @wallmachine for the Nintandbox source scrapping; it was a tedious job, so I really appreciate your help on that.
    To everybody downloading this pack; bear in mind it is a "real" set; this means that the front and side covers are not pristine, pure B&W with perfect coloring. This set was made with real box scans; some are in better conditions than others. The idea of this is to have a set that could somehow tell a story, that you could relate to, and feel the boxes coming to life. I know it is not for everybody, but since I made it for me, I wanted to share it
  7. 304 Wheel Games nintendo 64
    By Cyclair
  8. Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3D Box pack 16x9 - Woryon Games
  9. Espero ter ajudado!
  10. Loved the Crylen framed wheel pack, but didn't like the one for Nintendo 64, so made a replacement.
  11. Loved the Crylen framed wheel pack, but didn't like the one for Nintendo 64, so made a basic replacement.
  12. Two Nintendo 64 pointers with White background and the original logo.
    The "Logoonly" file doesn,t have "Nintendo 64" writen 
  13. Nintendo 64 Letters Pack
  14. Set of 303 Nintendo 64 2D boxes with reflections added and reformatted to be aspect-correct in 16:9 widescreen setups. The boxes themselves are sourced from other 2D box sets. This set matches HyperList as of December 2017, but does not include images for games marked as prototypes, unlicensed, or non-English games.
  15. Nintendo 64 fans, this is for you. If you want to know exactly what this is, read my 'Ultimate Sega Genesis' or 'Ultimate Sega Saturn' descriptions.
    This pack contains the usual. But it is quite thorough and complete. As with my last project, I consider this my best one yet. Full 2D box, 3D box, box back, and cartridge art. In case anyone is wondering what the point of the box backs is, if you have RocketLauncher's 'Pause' configured correctly, this stuff will all show up there under the 'artwork' tab, and you can zoom in on it and actually read it. See the picture below.
    Full publisher wheels, for every single publisher - and every single one of them is authentic for the N64 era. I did a handful of redraws, and I'm getting a lot better at that sort of thing. Also, I made it a point to use drop shadow heavily, so that the logos look awesome, and they stand out more when they overlap. It looks a lot less amateurish than some of my previous work.
    This has the newest official database that I just released the other day, and it has new box art (2D, 3D, and box back), cartridge art, and wheels for all the new games. Also, I went ahead and included screenshots of the games in the 'video' folder so that you have something displaying other than static when the game is selected. Emu movies is typically slow to update anything, so I figure it's better than nothing.
    I have about 30 ish themes from the community that I liked, and I included them. I re-did someone else's F-Zero X theme. It isn't great (I'm not a theme guy), but I wanted Samurai Goroh and Captain Falcon, two of the most recognizable characters. I also changed the background. The original background had an F-Zero logo, and then there was another F-Zero logo. Can't have that. Plays the "Car Select" theme music. Also, Killer Instinct Gold plays the KI Gold Theme.
    I decided to add 'year' databases this time. Why not? It's easy to add, and sometimes it's interesting to have. I put it in the farthest reaches of the genre wheel, since I consider it the least useful. But it's there if you want it.
    Most of the custom databases are self-explanatory. But you'll love this... in the "Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak" and "Nintendo Transfer Pak" wheels, instead of displaying year and publisher above the game, it displays relevant information, e.g. for Majora's Mask: "Required. Increases texture detail, on-screen models and effects, and removes fog." See the screenshot below. All the data is pulled directly from wikipedia, and not every game has data. But I thought that would be a nice addition to that particular custom database. Again, the whole purpose of these projects is to develop a sort of 'digital museum.' If there was a way to manipulate the databases to display even more information, I surely would.
    Credit goes to the community for all box arts and wheels (except for the new stuff mentioned above). All publisher wheels and custom wheels done by me.
    If anyone would like to use anything in this pack (or any of my other packs for that matter) for their project(s), feel free to do so. I don't want anyone thinking this is some sort of proprietary thing. This is for the community, without which, I wouldn't have 99% of the content that I have in my HyperSpin project. If you feel you can take my work and make something even better or unique, by all means, make something better or unique.
    If there are any mistakes, no matter how small, please message me and I will fix them.
    Ultimate Sega Dreamcast is still in the works, stay tuned. It needs a lot of work. Gamecube might be up next, or I might just plow through Dreamcast. We'll see.
  16. Pointer(s) for the Nintendo 64
  17. Added to HyperBase on 8/12/2016 - Circo
    Game wheels for the Nintendo 64
  18. Logo artwork provided by THK.
  19. Here is a N64 3D boxset trimmed to the Pal versions of the games. So its PAL->US->Jap
  20. Nintendo 64 - 2D Box Pack
  21. Nintendo 64 Customized 3D Box Art with Cartridge Images
  22. Nintendo 64 - 2D Cart Pack
  23. Nintendo 64 - 3D Box Pack
  24. n64 pointer
  25. 253 sound samples extracted from N64 Games.

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    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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