About This File
Huge update this month!
34 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Aero Fighters Special (VER 1.00G) [aerofgtsg]
Baile 2005 (V3.2 2005-01-12) [baile]
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix (HDD) [bam2]
Beast Busters: Second Nightmare [bbust2]
Brave Blade (VER 1.40G) [brvbladeg]
Buriki One: World Grapple Tournament '99 in Tokyo [buriki]
Cool Boarders Arcade Jam (Export bootleg) [cbajbl]
Flame Gunner (VER 1.40G) [flamegung]
Fighters' Impact (VER 2.10G) [ftimpactg]
G-Darius (VER 2.70G) [gdariusg]
Jinpai Suoha - Show Hand [jinpaish]
Speed Up / Kkotbinyeo (Korea) [kotbinyosu]
Mawasunda!! [mawasunda]
Primal Rage II (Test Version 0.36a) [primrag2]
Ray Storm (VER 2.60G) [raystormg]
Samurai Shodown 64 / Samurai Spirits [sams64]
Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage / Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden [sams64_2]
Shanghai Matekibuyuu (VER 1.20G) [shngmtkbg]
Block Kuzushi, The (VER 1.10G) [tblkkuzug]
Xtreme Rally / Off Beat Racer! [xrally]
New Clones:
Astro Invader (bootleg) [astinvadb]
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix (CDROM) [bam2a]
Head Panic (ver. 8.30) [hedpanic830]
Puck Man (bootleg, set 3) [puckmanb3]
Shanghai (Japan) [shanghaij]
Sprint 2 (bootleg) [sprint2bl]
Zaxxon (set 2, unknown rev) [zaxxon2]
Updated Roms:
Cameltry (US, YM2610) [cameltry]
Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition / Garou Densetsu: Wild Ambition [fatfurwa]
N-Sub (cocktail) [nsubc]
Rambo III (Europe) [rambo3]
Roads Edge / Round Trip RV (rev.B) [roadedge]
Rocket Convoy [rocktcnvy]
Truco-Tron [truco]
Required CHDs:
Thankyou @Agard for providing excellent updated wheels. I will be updating next month's database update to include many of his clone wheels.
MAME Project Uploads:
02: 0.250 Update
04: 0.251 Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
20: 0.268 Update
21: 0.269 Update
22: 0.270 Update
23: 0.271 Update
22: 0.272 Update
23: 0.273 Update
24: 0.274 Update