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Sizing the Playfield and Backboard glass

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Can someone tell me how to size the glass for my playfield and backbox? Is it using the inside dimension or outside dimension? I figure it would make more sense for me to order glass locally instead of getting it mailed.

Also, playfield glass should be 3/16" tempered. How about the backbox?

Thank you.


Backboard? You installing a basketball net on your cab? Lol j/k :)

For the back box the width will be the inside dimension. But you have to be sure it's the right height so that you can slide it up and then in, if that makes sense. The height will totally depend on how your bb is constructed, the height of your speaker panel and whether you're using standard h-channel retainers or another solution.

If your cabinet is built to a standard size you can get the dimensions for the PF glass by looking at the ones for sale over at pinballlife. The width is neither the ID nor OD...it appears to pretty much measured from just inside the slots cut for the plastic retainers on each side. If you look at the side profile of the plastics it will make sense.

In any case, make sure your cab is built before you order glass so you can confirm measurements...


Yeah you really need to have the cabinet built and measure for what you need. I thought my sidewalls were perfectly square but when measuring to order glass I found that the width narrowed by 1/8" in the middle. I just picked up my glass yesterday and I made a mistake in taking my measurements. For the playfield glass I had measured right up to the edge of the slots where the lockdown bar tabs were going to go and I didn't notice that the lockdown bar has two metal tabs that are spaced about a 1/2" in front of those. So I was stuck either having to get ~ 1/2" cut off the glass or do something about those tabs so being impatient I modified the lockdown bar. First I thought I could just bend the tabs down. That was almost good enough but the lockdown bar didn't seem to be seating well enough so I tried to bend the tabs back up hoping I would be able to stress the metal and break them off. That was when the epoxy gave way and the inside piece of the lockdown bar came out. So I cut the tabs off with a jigsaw and then used a 2 part epoxy and got the pieces melded back together. Now everything is fitting well enough but it was a pain to fix it.

To be honest I wasn't real happy with the fit of the lockdown bar into the receiver assembly...and that was well before I modified anything. You have to mount the receiver assembly low enough that the glass won't scratch against the metal tabs sticking up. And that seemed to place my lockdown bar slots a little too high so when locking I have to reach in there and push up on the bar that slides to get it to mate up to the slots where it locks.




I'm in the exact same situation my cabinet is 2mm narrower in the center than the front and back somehow? Tv fits like a charm, but I'm worried about the glass? Did oh have them cut the glass narrower in the center?


tyson, I seriously doubt that 2mm is going to matter on the glass width. The retainers are plastic and should have a little give to them. Gil's problem is it sounds like he got his glass cut too long, so it was interfering with the lockdown bar.


There is about a 1-2ft section that is narrower in the middle. So I believe I'll get the glass cut the the standard width in the front and back and see how it does! I pick everything apart that I do :)


Yeah I just had my playfield glass cut to fit the narrow spot in the middle. So it's a little snug at that point with a 1/16th of an inch space extra on each side at the ends. Ending up being no big deal.

My other glass problem occurred last night. Apparently the plastic trim from Virtuapin's Ultimate Cabinet pack is for 1/8" thick backglass because the trim is not fitting on 3/16" glass. I bought 3/16" glass for both the playfield and the backglass because that's what my older Williams machine has. I got the bottom trim to fit by cutting the inside edge off the trim all the way down but the side trim will not fit without splitting. I'm going to search for something else to use for the trim pieces or go without trim.



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