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Retroarch rom issue


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Hi All,


Hope someone may be able to help with this issue as I believe I have tried everything yet still to no success.  I have a fresh install with all the most up to date files etc.  I'm trying to load a Genesis rom via the RocketLauncher icon in RocketLauncherIE to test the games etc yet everytime I try I get this message "Could not find"Aladdin (USA)" Inside the archive with any defined Rom Extensions.  Check if you are missing the correct Rom Extensions for this rom for RetroArch's Extensions, enable Rom_Match_Extension, or correct the file name inside the archive." now all my roms map green when you do the audit.  I have gone into retroarch and set all the folder paths etc, I have tried re-installing everything, watching numerous videos (Austins for example), set 7z to enable also tried bezel on/off and even opened the Aladdin game file named it the same and re-zipped it etc but nothing I do will get past this error.  


If I need to add a file to this help request please let me know and how I do that


Any help guys? 


Thanks for your time



I Think i know where ur problem lies...did u rename the zip file? If yes, this doesnt work u have to rename the rom inside the zip file and zip it again ;). had the same issue but its really logical. Hope this was ur issue. 


Hi Austin, I have already watched this buddy.  This morning I have decided to try doing the exact same as I did yesterday (Following your vids) but on my other computer that I have been running alongside my main one as I want one to eventually go into a cabinet and Retroarch runs! I have used the same process, firstly watching and downloading your suggested files etc used the same rom sets etc yet works fine on one PC and not the other! crazy!


Anyway I feel I am slowly making progress now, I have just been trying to set up MAME following your video, I am just trying to figure out/sort a few issues out, got MAME working fine on its own just can't get it to work through hyperspin at the mo, Rocketlaunch it works but hyperspin it wont just but I'm not looking for help on this (yet) as I do want to try and get through these things myself (so i learn too).


Anyway Thanks again for all your time etc you put into helping others like myself really is appreciated.


Have a great weekend!


Thanks Black Hazor, I did try this but to no success, yet as mentioned when I did the exact same thing on another computer it works! I'm not going to worry to much I will continue my set up on the computer that works :-)


Thanks again



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