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Games won't launch from Hyperspin


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K so ive got everything set up for mame and can launch any game in RocketLauncher but when i go into Hyperspin none of the games will load for some reason.  All i get is a working symbol for a bout a second and then nothing happens when trying to run a game.  Wondering if there's anyone who could shed some light on my problem.  Ive checked out a lot of forums and tried altering the rom path in my settings ini but nothing works.


09:20:21 PM | HyperSpin Started

09:20:21 PM | Going FullScreen

09:20:21 PM | Checking for updates

09:20:21 PM | Update Check Complete

09:20:21 PM | Startup program unavailable

09:20:21 PM | Playing intro video

09:20:28 PM | Error intializing joysticks

09:20:28 PM | Menu Mode is multi

09:20:28 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml

09:20:28 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

09:20:28 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully

09:20:31 PM | Loading MAME.xml

09:20:31 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

09:20:32 PM | MAME wheel loaded successfully

09:20:37 PM | Launching Game

09:20:37 PM | Using HyperLaunch

09:20:37 PM | Getting HyperLaunch path

09:20:37 PM | HyperLaunch located at G:\hyperspin133\HyperLaunch.exe

09:20:37 PM | Running HyperLaunch.exe

09:20:37 PM | HyperLaunch Command Line is: G:\hyperspin133\HyperLaunch.exe "MAME" "volfied"

09:20:46 PM | Loading Main Menu.xml

09:20:46 PM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded

09:20:46 PM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully

09:20:51 PM | Exit program unavailable

09:20:51 PM | Quiting Hyperspin

09:20:51 PM | Bye!


09:20:37 PM | HyperLaunch v2.25c09:20:37 PM | System Specs:HyperSpin Dir: G:\hyperspin133OS: WIN_VISTAOS Language: 0409OS Admin Status: YesMonitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1280x720 (1280x690 work)HyperSpin Res: 1280x720AHK Version: PM | HyperLaunch received "MAME" and "volfied"09:20:37 PM | INI Keys read09:20:37 PM | Checking paths09:20:37 PM | Finished injecting functions into module09:20:37 PM | Module is built09:20:37 PM | Running module:;-----------------------------------------------------------;Built in script;-----------------------------------------------------------#NoTrayIconDetectHiddenWindows, ONSetTitleMatchMode, 2SendMode, Event0 = 2exitEmulatorKey = EscemuPath = G:\hyperspin133\Emulators\MAME\romPath = G:\roms\MAME roms\ROMs\romPathFromIni = G:\roms\MAME roms\ROMs\romExtension = .7zromExtensionOrig = .7zromExtensions = zip,7zexecutable = mame64.exesystemName = MAMEromName = volfieddaemonToolsPath =skipchecks = falsefadeIn = falsefadeOut = falsefadeColor = 0x000000fadeInDuration = 500fadeOutDuration = 500fadeInDelay = 0fadeInInterruptKeys = {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Capslock}{Numlock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}gameStartImgPath = G:\hyperspin133\Media\MAME\Images\GameStart\moduleExtensionPath = G:\hyperspin133\Modules\Module Extensions\7zEnable = false7zExtractDir = C:\Users\BUSHYA~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Hyperspin\7zExtractDirOrig =7zDelTemp = true7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gzip,.tar7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,gzip,tarmgEnabled = falsemgKey = NumpadSubmgSelectKey = EntermgExitKey = EscmultiGameImgPath = G:\hyperspin133\Media\MAME\Images\MultiGame\mgBackgroundColor = FF000000mgSidePadding = 0.2mgYOffset = 500mgImageAdjust = 1mgFont = ArialmgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Centre cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 Bold ItalicmgText1Text = Please select a gamemgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center Bold ItalicmgText2Offset = 70mgUseSound = truemgSoundfreq = 300mgExitEffect = nonemgSelectedEffect = rotatemgUseGameArt = falsemgArtworkDir = Artwork1Hotkey, Esc, CloseProcess;-----------------------------------------------------------;Module script;-----------------------------------------------------------;MAME;ver. .157;MAME.exe|MAME64.exe;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Notes:; No need to edit mame.ini and set your rom folder, module sends the rompath for you.;----------------------------------------------------------------------------

GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

Run, %executable% %romName%, %emuPath%, Hide, exePID

WinWait, Ahk_pid %exePID%

WinGetClass,exeWinClass, ahk_pid %exePID%

WinWaitActive, Ahk_class %exeWinClass%

if(ErrorLevel != 0){

if (ErrorLevel = 1){

Error = Failed Validity

}else if(ErrorLevel = 2){

Error = Missing Files

}else if(ErrorLevel = 3){

Error = Fatal Error

}else if(ErrorLevel = 4){

Error = Device Error

}else if(ErrorLevel = 5){

Error = Game Does Not Exist

}else if(ErrorLevel = 6){

Error = Invalid Config

}else if(ErrorLevel = 7 || ErrorLevel = 8 || ErrorLevel = 9){

Error = Identification Error


Error = Mame Error


MsgBox Mame Error - %Error%


GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()

WinActivate, Hyperspin



GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()

WinClose, Ahk_class %exeWinClass%









Suspend, On




7z(7zP, 7zN, 7zE, 7zExtractDir){


7zCleanUp() {



IfNotExist, %file%


If msg

ScriptError(msg, timeout)


ScriptError("Cannot find " . file, timeout)


Return %file%






Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


I think you also have to manually tell Hyperspin to look at RocketLauncher in an ini because it's pointing at Hyperlaunch by default.

I feel like I had this problem, but I sorted it out a while ago.

Check the ... hyperspin.ini I beleive and do a ctrl+F search for "hyperlaunch" Unless I am mistaken that should fix the issue.

If I am wrong I know one of our peers here will correct me, as this I beleive is a common issue


Thanks for the reply but im kinda dumb at this.  Either there is no hyperspin.ini file or i cant find it.  Also once i do find it and do a (ctrl f) and search for hyperlaunch, whats that gonna do or what should be done after that?


No worries, I know my response wasn't very precise lol.

I'm trying to run off memory here (I'm at work, and am not allowed to pull out my laptop {Which is my hyperspin machine lol}) so forgive me if I'm not hitting it on the nose.


I think that the hyperspin.ini (If it's not in the main Hyperspin folder) is located in the settings folder.

Once you do find the line pointing to the old Hyperlaunch program (It should be something like C:\Hyperspin\Hyperlaunch\Hyperlaunch.exe, depending on how your directories are setup) You will just want to change it so it's pointing at RocketLauncher (Something like: C:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe, again depending on how your directories are setup)


Once I get a chance I'll try to pull it up for sure, but I'm about 70% sure that is where it's located.


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