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Having Xpadder profiles load?


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I am confused as hell with xpadder profiles.  I have made one default one, I have it auto load and always on. I use one profile for all systems and all works well. (I use the startup script).


I added PC GAMES and want it to use the default xpadder profile in hyperspin, when I load a PC game I want the PC XPADDER profile to load.  When I exit the PC Game I want the default xpadder to open and the pc one to close.  For the life of me I can not figure it out.


Under PC GAMES/XPADDER there is two halfs.. the top has System profile, game profile and emulator profile... first off is what ones do I need in there?  Then the second half of the screen (lower) what goes there?


I have a system profile setup now and in RL I run the game all works. but as soon as I go to HS it does not work.





Well I have made some headway! I set up a PC GAMES profile pointed to PC profile.. and a PC Launcher profile pointed to the same.. seems to work.. HOWEVER some games do not load now? they do but in the background? I had this issue before... i do not know how to fix. I think it is due to xpadder gaining focus?


Have you got a separate profile for hyperspin itself? As in settings needed to navigate the hyperspin menu? This is a critical step.

Refer to the rocketlauncher xpadder wiki here.


The system profile is specific for the system you are running. E.g. in your case PC GAMES.

The game profile is for a specific game e.g. Doom within the PC GAMES wheel.S

The emulator profile would only apply if you are using different emulators for the one system. E.g. Dosbox vs ScummVM.


Have a good read over that wiki page.... it explains how the heirachy of xpadder profiles works.


At the very least you will need a default profile (which rocketlauncher will use if there isn't a system profile) and a frontend profile named "Hyperspin" (for navigating the hyperspin menu once you have exited a game).


A couple other things to note:

  • if you are using multiple controllers you need to setup blank profiles as explained in the wiki
  • setup all your system/game xpadder profiles from within rocketlauncher that way the profiles are always saved in the correct folder locations.

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


Here is a great guide for xpadder also. There references are for the old hyperlaunch3 but its really the same for rocketlauncher.

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:



Thanks so much for that posting! It helped.. seems to work now. Some PC games though LOAD in RL but load minimized in HS?


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