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Hyperspin minimize screen during playing


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Hey guys

Frustrated. I have mame running great with a xarcade tankstick.

When 2 player gets going in gameplay, somehow during button mashing it always minimizes the game and ends all the fun.

Where can I disable this key command? It does this across all platforms/emulators running. Playing just one player it isn't an issue but two player always does this.

Thanks in advance


After I bit of diggin around I've come up with this: could be the issue?

I found a few posts in the wild about this and thought I would collapse them into one in case anyone else has this issue in the future. The issue is when playing a 2 player game in MAME and player 2 hits buttons 2 and 3 simultaneously. This is with default MAME keys. Q and S are mapped as player 2 buttons 2/3 and when pressed together are also a AHK for Hyperspin called "exitscriptkey". I found no reason to need the ExitScriptKey so I removed it from the AHK.

Install Auto Hot Key onto the computer you are using for emulation (You need this because you have to recompile the AHK script

Go to your root Hyperspin folder

Find a file called HyperLaunch.ahk

Right-Click the file and select Edit Script

Notepad should open. Click edit, and select search

Search for exitscriptkey

It will be found three times. Each line it is found on you need to REM out. To do this simply put a SEMI-COLON at the front of the line

Now search for GET AND CHECK PATHS

Look for emuPath := GetFullName(iniEmuPath)

Change it to emuPath := iniEmuPath

Look for romPath := GetFullName(iniRomPath)

Change it to romPath := iniRomPath

Save and close the file

Right-Click on HyperLaunch.ahk and select Compile (NOTE - Compile may fail if you have launched a MAME game through Hyperspin. Restart and do the above BEFORE running any games)

At this point you should be all set. Q and S will no longer cause MAME to minimize and the error about / paths will also be resolved.

Credit -

http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?10081-quot-Make-sure-your-paths-contain-a-backslash-on-the-end-quot-Help - POST #7

http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/forum/showthread.php?6321-NEED-HELP-How-to-edit-HyperLaunch-ahk-to-disable-quot-exitScriptKey-q-amp-s-quot - POST #6


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