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Retroarch Config files


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Hi All,

 I have been using retroarch version 1.2.2 for my Sega Megadrive / Genesis emulation with a bezel which all ran fine, then I added the Sega Game Gear and changed the settings in the config file to use with a bezel too and it has overwritten the Megadrive / Genesis config file.


I can now see that they both use the same config file but I cant find a way to make them use there own file, does anyone know what i'm doing wrong or need to be doing?


Thank you for your time.


Thank you, I also had to turn off "save config on exit" and turn off "vsync" all working now thank you again.


I renamed the configs to the system names also, I thought that if I renamed them then Retroarch would not use them as is would be looking for the old file name, but it doesn't it uses the new name that's the bit I didn't understand but it works so i'm happy :thumbsup: .


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