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Creating an XML with information from different sources


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Hello everybody!


This is my first post in here. I have been a proud user of Hyperspin from a long time; built my arcade machine 4 years ago with it and loving it from day 1.

I tend to be a shadow user in forums, reading, digging and learning, unfortunately I came across a situation in which I cannot wrap my brain around it.

I am pretty sure it might be something easy for some of you, so please be gentle with me :)


I am doing my second arcade machine, this time I want to include the Nintendo and Sega systems in it as well. The situation in particular is related to the GBA XML.

I have the full GBA romset (from 0001 to 2764) on one hand, and got the Hyperspin database on the other (featuring what I believe are the US releases [1000+]).

I can create the XML with my romset without any problems, but the problem is that by doing so, I won't have the information like the Manufacturer, Year, Genre. I can ran Don's tools and sync database and roms easily, but I will have more than 1,000 roms left out of the XML file. And, if I decide to add them afterwards, I won't have their correspondent information below the description.


So, long story short (and sorry for the above wall of text), what I would like to know is how would you proceed on filling missing XML information fields in an automated way, or if you know if there is some sort of database that has all that info for full set roms, so I can add that through commands or a tool.


Thanks for your answers!



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