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What emulator to pick?


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Is there a place on this site that tells you what emulator to select/install in order to emulate a particular  console or an arcade machine ?


For example I am looking to set up Capcom Play System I, II and III but I can't figure out which emulator to use (or which version of the emulator to use).

I can't find any videos on this either that are in English...




Thanks for the help !


Did some research on the net and found this emulator for CPS II: Kawaks.

However, I don't see Kawaks in the supported emulator list within HyperSpin.

Super confused now...


CPS I can be played by MAME or RetroArch. CPS II can be played by MAME. CPS III can be played by MAME or CPS3 but will need .chd files.


You can see what emulators are supported by adding the game/arcade system to RocketLauncherUI and then clicking on the "Modules" tab for that system. I remember running Kawaks on an older build but I don't think it has a module in the latest RocketLauncher.


Agent47 is correct, I do see it as WinKawaks in the Global Emulators but it doesn't show up as a supported module when I select any CPS I, II or III system in my setup. I'm running the latest version of RL. The WinKawaks module only lists SNK systems as being supported in the notes.


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