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Daemon Tools 10.2, Windows 10 and Hyperspin


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Good morning on this last day of the year ;-)


Hope everyone's getting prepared for a wonderful New Year's Eve.




I have a question. I've set up my MAME and Hyperspin perfectly fine. Now headong over to CD games, so I need Daemon Tools


I've got the Daemon Tools 10.2 Lite but all the setup instructions I can find add SCSI drives, to it etc.

Basically, the UI looks totally different than before.



Can anyone help me? I think I'm stuck with the DT10 version as I'm using Windows 10 on my machine. I'm trying to set everything up but I'm unsure as I don't even see a "virtual" drive in the explorer (haven't mounted an image yet).



Would be great if someone could help me quickly setting this up, what to do, how to change drive letters in 10.2 etc.



Thanks a lot in advance.




I can't remember but I know there was a brief explanation over on the rocketlauncher forums.  You need to point RocletLauncher to the correct .exe and I don't think it was the obvious one...


Definitely in the forums there somewhere.


I do not believe there were any additional requirements or worries about SCSI setup anymore.


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