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Mame loads games extremely slow


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Was wondering why and if there's a fix. If I run mame alone and load a game it takes a few seconds. Of I launch mame roms thru hyperspin they take up to a few minutes


Woah... are you using an external hard drive.   Are you connecting and disconnecting it?

If so, try disabling the 'media storage' system process.


Otherwise... I have no idea what would cause that.


What do you mean connecting and disconnecting it? I am running external hard drive in shield.


Android has a service/app called 'media storage' that is likely creating new thumbnails for the gallery every time you connect that drive.

It will also delete all of those thumbnails when you disconnect.    If you are connecting and disconnecting the drive to edit files, copy files, or whatever, this process may be overloading the system since it was originally built to handle a few camera photos, not 9000 instantaneous wheel images.


reznnate i disabled the media storage and now hypespin app wont launch. so i enabled it and still no go. so i uninstalled hyperspin and reinstalled it and it still wont launch


MAME shouldn't take more than a second or two to load most roms.   Is this happening with all roms like pacman and 10yard fight?  Or are you seeing this behavior with more-advanced games like Street Fighter 3?


Only thing I can imagine is your external drive is usb2 and very slow.   I have not run into this before.


All games load slow. If I run mame droid on shield then load a rom it's super fast but loading thru hyperspin it's slowwww


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