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Controller questions


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Just recently installed my system again after a lot of problems so went for the Windows 10 upgrade so far so good, my questions are:-

1: do people prefer wired over wireless as I'm hoping of connecting 4 Xbox pads either wireless or wired?

2: can you use a usb hub to add more connections and will the pc still recognise each pad still?

3: if charging from pc will each pad still retain is number or will the pc try to reassign?

4: is there any known conflicts with wii remotes and Xbox controller reassigning or crashes I should know?

Sorry if these have been asked before I did try to search but nothing came up on this!


Well from my setup I can tell you the best method is to get 4 wireless X360 or X1 controllers, and the single wireless dongle that can attach all 4. Set each one up in Xpadder, and you should be good to go whenever you turn one on.

I don't use a USB hub, but I do know that with my 360 pads going I can plug in my 2 Sega Saturn pads and they register fine in Xpadder as well. I've even tested playing one game using both controller types at the same time, for the same player. So there shouldn't be any issue with a USB hub.

I don't know what you mean about charging from the PC though, Xbox pads use AA batteries (THANK GOD) so all you have to do is pop in 2 AAs and you are good to go, no charging, ever. (Unless you are smart and have rechargeable AA batteries, but even then it's separate)

While I've never had any issues with my X360 pads reassigning though Xpadder, I can't speak on the Wiimotes. I just barely got my first wiimote hooked up via bluetooth for dolphin and haven't been able to test much as of yet.


Xbox pads don't need to be AA. You can buy the rechargeable battery packs for them with the charge cord that plugs in at the top. I just charge mine and use it til it starts to disconnect the plug it in and use it worked if needed til charged.


The rechargeable packs are one way to go, personally I don't like them because they are a tad more pricey than just AA batteries, and unless you buy extras, you will be waiting before you can play, depending on your setup as mentioned just above.

Another options is to get an actual wired X360 controller, which a lot of people seem to enjoy. Personally I like to get rid of wires whenever possible.

Sadly I could not do this with my USB saturn pads lol.


I use a PS3 controller myself and it retains its ID whether plugged in charging or not. For gaming in general I use a Bliss-Box 4-play hub so I can use the real controllers. PC has no problem recognizing connections there either.

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I use a PS3 controller myself and it retains its ID whether plugged in charging or not. For gaming in general I use a Bliss-Box 4-play hub so I can use the real controllers. PC has no problem recognizing connections there either.

I've personally yet to attempt hooking my PS3 controller. I just recently hooked up my first Wiimote though which was stupidly easy, much to my surprise and glee.

Also been meaning to hookup a PS4 as well. These all use bluetooth if I am correct, yes?


360 retains its ID as well. Big name companies generally go down the proper route for VID and PID for their controllers. The cheap ones you will find out don't and just use the same ones on all their controllers which makes the PC not able to differentiate.


I've personally yet to attempt hooking my PS3 controller. I just recently hooked up my first Wiimote though which was stupidly easy, much to my surprise and glee.

Also been meaning to hookup a PS4 as well. These all use bluetooth if I am correct, yes?


That's correct. PS controllers require a third party driver installer but it's pretty straightforward.

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That's correct. PS controllers require a third party driver installer but it's pretty straightforward.

Oh, I wasn't aware of the driver, thank you. Maybe I'll give that a shot this weekend. One of the philosophies of my build is universal controller support so anyone can play (almost, you're not gonna play PS2 with an NES one lol) any system with whatever controller they prefer. While this is a breeze with USB pads, it gets complicated once you hit the newer systems.


I share your universal controller support philosophy :P and I'd definitely recommend the 4-play. I got one a few weeks ago to test it out and was so impressed I've since ordered enough hubs and cables to do a 100% complete setup such that every system can be played with the max number of simultaneous players in games and homebrews usually the officicial controllers. It's been such a painless experience compared to other adapters I've worked with.

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I share your universal controller support philosophy :P and I'd definitely recommend the 4-play. I got one a few weeks ago to test it out and was so impressed I've since ordered enough hubs and cables to do a 100% complete setup such that every system can be played with the max number of simultaneous players in games and homebrews usually the officicial controllers. It's been such a painless experience compared to other adapters I've worked with.

I'll have to look into it. I have been using USB knockoff pads to simulate the original controller feeling. To the lamen, it's indistinguishable (Obviously we can tell just by holding it, let alone the subtle visual cues)

It would be interesting to have a dongle that enabled 4-player though... Kind of like with the old systems where a few games allowed it if you had that peripheral. I've mostly been focused on 2-player and figured I'd revisist the extra two near the finish line as very few times have I ever had a 3rd player in my life lol.

Plus my method of Keyboard mapping for controllers doesn't really support anything past 2 given the limited number of keys available on a full keyboard in Xpadder.


I'll have to look into it. I have been using USB knockoff pads to simulate the original controller feeling. To the lamen, it's indistinguishable (Obviously we can tell just by holding it, let alone the subtle visual cues)


I was the same. Custom USB jobs of real controllers then the crappy standalone adapters for everything I could.

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So Xpadder won't do much past two controllers?

Also my pads are official Microsoft ones but dongle isn't (not sure if a genuine one is avalible) with rechargeable battery packs.

The reason I'm after four is for me and my 3 sons and hopefully one day as I'm not that I'd grandchildren. As I haven't set them up yet as I'm in the process of setting up and then onto a theme i was wondering if charging through pc would reasign it to a different number or retain it still regardless of charging. I've also seen people have issues with the dolphin sensor bar and Windows 10 is this still a problem?


If you are planning on setting up 4 modern controllers, I wouldn't rely solely on Xpadder, unless there are functions outside of basic keymapping I'm not aware of.

If it's something like NES controllers, you could probably set it up for several without issue lol. It all comes down to how many buttons you need mapped. For me I have 2 full X360 controllers mapped across the keyboard, so that's... 48 keys on the keyboard, PLUS I have things like save-states and music player shortcuts mapped to key-combos. You start to run out of what you can tell a button to do on a single keyboard.

Some emulators though will support straight joystick mapping, so that's an option too. I'm probably going to setup P3 & P4 this way with RetroArch for the few games that I will use this for.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Dolphin sensor bar"
I can tell you that my wiimote seems to work ok using the big wireless bar nintendo sells. Granted, I haven't tested it much. But it points ok. The sensor bar shouldn't matter at all though to be honest. when my original bar broke I litterally lit 2 candles on top of the TV and the IR signal it gave off was enough to play Metroid Prime 3 lol


Yeah think it's called may flash but I may be wrong? It would be good to be able to set all buttons on the 4 controllers as I hope to go upto at least Xbox and ps2,mame,dream cast and n64 also have 4 play abilities which I would also want to do so may have to look beyond Xpadder


Mayflash sells a sensor bar? Is it not wireless? Really all a sensor bar is is 2 infrared lights as points of reference for the wiimotes. literally candles can do that job lol.

Or did you mean the Mayflash adapter that allows you to plug in 4 GameCube controllers and takes up 2 USB ports? If that's the case I have used the official Nintendo one with the unofficial drivers. I do NOT NOT NOT recommend that setup though (The official nintendo, with unofficial drivers) as, even though it worked for GameCube, it caused me NOTHING but problems as the drivers were very poor and caused random joystick buttons to be pushed in the background. Maybe they've updated it since then, but I'm not sure.

My understanding is the Mayflash one is much better, but I have no personal experience on setting it up. I do believe though it registers them as either Dinput or Xinput controllers, so I would imagine they all show up separately.

The only Mayflash adapter I have is a 3-in-1 for NES, SNES and Mega-Drive to USB... but it doesn't register US Genesis controllers lol.. The NES and SNES controllers run perfect though.


Yeah they have them on eBay I just typed in dolphin bar and there's about 5 on there but in the info it doesn't mention Windows 10 just wondered if this was due to problems with Windows 10 not sure if I can post links to eBay but if you search it they have them!


I just ran a search, that is SO weird that they make that. I just use the wireless one I bought at gamestop lol it's literally just a battery powered infrared light. It doesn't connect to my computer in any capacity at all.

I can't imagine what this one would even do regarding operation systems.


Dolphin officially supports it and they're kinda in love with it over there but I don't really see the point unless someone's emulating only GC/Wii/Wii U =/

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it just blows my mind that it would need to connect to the computer. The one Nintendo makes doesn't connect anything lol.

I literally just plopped the 10 dollar thing in front of my tv. That was all the install and compatibility that was needed.



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