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A lil help with that certain Emu


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Finally, im the owner of that particular emulator and thanns to Mr. SimplyAustin, king of the emulators, extreme ruler of youtube video, he pwith the my 360 gamepad config associated with the emu left side says pc/ps and the other shows pad config but its not as simple to me may be ps1.  alil direction please?  thank you.lay 007 agent under fire a pop up came om in game saying something about the memory card needing formating?   and im alil comfused helped me to configure the emu on  my low end pc a amd athlon II windows 7 emachine with a 5.50 gb of ram  highend graphic card in it a nvidia 750 and it works.  i could kiss the ground he walk on.  but of course rain on this parade with of my sipid questions 1.  when i went to 


sorry the copy and paste got cut off.. im so sorry.  the ps2 emu.  i got a in game pop up telling me that the memory card needs to be formatted? how where?...lol and the gamepad is alil confusing its not as easy as a ps1 emu config.  on one side you have pc/ps2 and the other is pad config...well its been awhile since i held a ps2 game pad in my hands so im a bit lost.   thanks.  and again sorry


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