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DataBase Requests/Questions


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I have a quick question. So i was thinking Hey why not have multiple .xml files for different things in case i want to narrow my games down so i dont have to look through 1000 games. I understand there are Genre's and even Favorite lists you can use. But wat i was thinking was using filtered XMLs.


1. Are there XMLs out there for US games only?

2. Are there XMLs out there that are filtered to be like top 100 or 200 or 300 games on that system?

3. If there isnt. Would people be interested if when i DID go through and make them that i share them?

4. If so, how do i upload/share stuff like that.



The official databases give preference to US games, but also contain exclusives from other regions. You may be able to find some in the Databases forum, but if you can't US only are the easiest to filter since they are based on US titles. I've seen some Top X databases in the Databases forum and I know vaderag recently posted a Top 100 DS to the Upload Here part of the Downloads section.


Where is the databases forum bc everytime i click on databases it takes me to the actual databases so im guessing im just not finding the right spot


or is it the HyperBase one?



I have a quick question. So i was thinking Hey why not have multiple .xml files for different things in case i want to narrow my games down so i dont have to look through 1000 games. I understand there are Genre's and even Favorite lists you can use. But wat i was thinking was using filtered XMLs.


1. Are there XMLs out there for US games only?

2. Are there XMLs out there that are filtered to be like top 100 or 200 or 300 games on that system?

3. If there isnt. Would people be interested if when i DID go through and make them that i share them?

4. If so, how do i upload/share stuff like that.


I have something in place for MAME, NAOMI, NES, SNES, and Genesis if people are interested


Yeah, sorry about that should've been more specific. I see you posted in there so you found it.


No worries i didnt know if it was the right one but i figured that was the ONLY other thing i saw that dealt with Databases lol.


I have something in place for MAME, NAOMI, NES, SNES, and Genesis if people are interested

Im interested but what type of XML is it? all USA? or top x style?



Im interested but what type of XML is it? all USA? or top x style?


A combo of both. I'll try and get them uploaded today.

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