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Weird issue with sound stuttering on some emus with weird triggers


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Hey all, and thanks as always. I finally corrected my directdraw issue and am seeing games fine, but now im noticing some weird sound issues.. Without using a video card, everything works fine, except it seems that SNES, GENESIS AND Turbo grafx thus far, has sound stuttering problems.. the sound skips, or doubles some sounds.. It seems to be only those three. But, i had a janky little video card with an hdmi out i wanted, but i noticed when i use that i have the same issue but with different effects. with the video card, when i start console emulators such as NES, they play fine, but then it seems when i start mame, or another emu, then go back, it starts stuttering. For instance, i load an nes game, it plays fine, i load a mame game, then go back to nes, and the nes games sound is badly stuttering. What could be causing the inconsistent issue? i dont really need the video card it looks like, but either way, the sound is an issue. Im using mess for all my console emulators basically, and mame for mame..  any suggestions?

  • 2 weeks later...

I had the stuttering and video lags when i installed the Hyperspin "packages" from the Platinum section.  But if i do it from scratch (one emulator at a time)....then it's fine regardless i use a video card or not.


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